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7 Facts That Suggest We Are 5 Days Away From Financial Collapse

It’s 5 days before the world’s finances completely collapse. What do you do and what are the tell-tale warning signs it’s about to happen?

Below are some 7 points that may indicate we have entered the final 5 days before meltdown:

  1. Gold and Silver prices will see severe price shifts. Silver will see price swings of $5 per day. Gold will see swings of $100 or more per day. Everyday mainstream people, including non-preppers, will start to pay attention to the price of gold and silver. Gold and silver will be daily news features in various media outlets.
  2. There is discussion in news media and within government sources about conducting a bank holiday, as bank are showing severe stress from bad loans and redemption of deposits.
  3. The price of ammunition will dramatically increase, as everyday people rush out to buy ammo.
  4. Guns stores will be swamped with people, looking to make last minute purchases.
  5. Can goods and other storeable foods will become in short supply, as people start hoarding food.
  6. People will stay home from their jobs, if they have a job, for fear of being away from their families. People will worry about a severe rise in crime, as more people become desperate.
  7. Homeless shelters and local food charities become overwhelmed with demand. News articles will show the lines of people waiting for a free bed or donated meal. Bread lines will arise, as governments start to hand out food to desperate people.

Read more: 5 days before the Financial Collapse

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