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9 Empowering Steps You Can Do Right Now To Help End The Police State

We All Know A Police State Is Here

Many people are aware of the dirty little (not so little) secret about what has happened to America since September 11, 2001: it has become a police state.  Wikipedia defines police state as:

The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.

Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.

Robert von Mohl, who first introduced the rule of law to German jurisprudence, contrasted the Rechtsstaat (“legal” or “constitutional” state) with the aristocratic Polizeistaat (“police state”).

Sound Familiar?  There IS Hope.

An article from Natural News entitled “9 steps to end the emerging police state in America starting now” [1] and it gives you 9 practical and empowering, LEGAL ways to end the situation we are in.

Natural News says:

The existence of a militarized police state in America is now undeniable. Soldier-like police forces are becoming violent with peaceful protesters who refuse to abide by state-mandated curfews.

Innocent civilians are being held up at gunpoint, and journalists are being arrested by militarized police forces. It’s all taking place in the heart of the country, in Ferguson, outside St. Louis, Missouri.

After autopsy confirmed that officer Darren Wilson shot unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown six times in cold blood, swarms of protests hit the city streets. Violence has since then erupted from both sides.

If Americans want to change course, here’s nine ways to end the emerging police state in America, right now:


One: To start, we must first recognize the problem and acknowledge its negative core. Martial law is all very real now with armored tactical vehicles patrolling Ferguson city streets. A militarized police force is occupying America, forcing people to do as they are told. If we cannot confess the problem for what it is among us and within us, change is impossible. People in positions of power must begin questioning the orders that they are given if these orders do not align with good morals and values. Everyone must confess their own controlling and violent intentions within, choosing instead to put love before force. The reality of the violence is real, but ultimately the abuse and human infighting are a reflection of what the human species does not want to be.


Two: To reverse this negative reality, it’s important to begin teaching the Golden Rule in everything we do, knowing that what we do to others, we do to ourselves. When hurt, it’s important not to focus on the illusory solution of revenge, but to instead focus on forgiving and ending the cycle of violence and control. “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.”


Three: It’s also important to stop using cops as a nanny when we don’t get our way. Instead of calling the cops on neighbors for loud music or some “suspicious” activity, civilians should work problems out amongst themselves. When home disputes break out, it’s important NOT to run to law enforcement to break up the fight. Civilians create a nanny state when they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. Narcing on others for things that are not hurting anybody creates a nanny state society of finger-pointing, furthering the need for Big Brother.


Four: The police state would begin to lose its power if more people carried out nonviolent acts of civil disobedience. If an officer is being intrusive and forceful and commanding you to submit to orders that violate your civil liberties and dignity, then ask, “Am I being detained, or am I free to go?” This method of nonviolent self-defense shows officers that you know you’re rights and you refuse to be taken advantage of. More acts of civil disobedience may open up the eyes of law enforcement while also encouraging civilians to stand up for themselves and see the abuse for what it is.


Five: To change the way that police officers act, it’s important to adopt new police officer training methods. Training officers to be tactical in looking for trouble creates an intrusive soldier who respects no one’s privacy. Instead, training methods should encourage officers of the peace to build positive relations with the public. Officers should NOT be taught to provoke and control others but instead learn to be reasonable, principled gentlemen. If officers were taught to respect others’ property, then there would be less unnecessary prying into people’s houses and vehicles for things that do no harm and are none of their business. The Fourth Amendment should be respected.


Six: To enforce police officer accountability, departments could equip officers with wearable cameras. A yearlong study at the Rialto police department in California showed that the use of “officer worn cameras reduced the rate of use-of-force incidents by 59 percent” and “utilization of the cameras led to an 87.5 percent reduction in complaints” from civilians. These wearable cameras would keep officers from acting out of line, preventing them from violating people’s civil and human rights. Would the officer have shot 18-year-old Brown if the whole incident were being recorded?


Seven: Just as important is the idea of demilitarizing police forces altogether and scaling back their soldier-like power. This would lessen fear among civilians and cops. After all, weapons of war do not belong on America’s streets, as president Obama would say. That means the Pentagon should recall all the weapons of war that they have distributed to police forces across the country in recent years. Police allowed to play the role of aggressive army men are quick to take orders, without questioning their own moral good sense.


Eight: A more proactive step to end police abuse would be to adopt civil rights accountability groups in each county. In essence, these groups of people would be well-versed in Constitutional rights and would represent the people, determining whether law enforcement violated life, liberty, privacy or property during traffic stops or house calls. Unlike law enforcement, these groups wouldn’t be actively pursuing trouble for incentives, because there would be no badge, no rank and no quotas among them. This would keep the groups honest in holding police accountable. The founders of the U.S. Constitution would be proud of this policy which would be based on a system of checks and balances. The founders, like many today, understood that power is easy to abuse. A system of checks and balances would keep police accountable.


Nine: Finally, militarized police power, force and abuse could all be overcome by mindful meditation and prayer of millions across the globe. If millions of people were aware that the energy frequency of their thoughts, intentions and beliefs could change the world’s collective reality, then they could all engage in nonviolent prayer and meditation, believing that the human race can overcome violence, abuse and suppression. With unified belief in a positive and compassionate world, entire communities would evolve beyond controlling one another and fighting over divisive, frivolous arguments. People would overcome the police state by learning that what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

The change would begin on the inside, as millions begin demilitarizing the way they treat one another.


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