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Amazon Indians Say Earth Has A Subterranean World Underground

An Amazonian tribe called the Macuxi Indians claim in their legends that a hollow subterranean Earth existed as recently as 100 years ago.  Many wonder if the legends are true or if they are just another example of incredible folklore.  The following article is fascinating and translated from Spanish.  

(*NOTE: The following article is translated from Spanish and has some grammatical errors.)

According to ZONNews:

What if the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Verne’s classic, really true? And there somewhere, a whole new world is waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, living beings inhabit the depths of our planet, a place that cultures and ancient civilizations knew existed, or that still it exists today.

The Macuxi Indians are Indians living in the Amazon, in countries like Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are the descendants of the children of the Sun, the creator of fire and disease and protective of the “inner Earth.”

Oral legends tell of an entry on Earth. Until 1907, the Macuxies entered a sort of cavern, and traveled 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior. It is there, “on the other side of the world, in the inner Earth” where giant creatures that are about 3-4 meters high living.

According to Macuxies were given the task of monitoring to outside the entrance and prevent outsiders from entering the “hollow Earth.”

Legends say Macuxi people entering the mysterious cave for three days, only giants descend stairs, measuring about 80 centimeters each step. After the third day, they leave behind their torches, and continue their journey “inside” Earth illuminated by the lights that were already present in the caves. Giant lanterns, the size of a watermelon, shining like the sun. After 4-5 days of travel, those inside the cave lose weight and body mass, allowing them to move much faster.

The legends of the Macuxi say after 5 days inside the caverns, they would go by huge caverns whose roofs could not be seen, and one of the chambers of the cave system, there are four objects “like the sun”, which are impossible to watch, whose purpose is unknown to the Macuxi village.

Within the Earth, there are places where trees are able to grow food. The Macuxi say cajúes fruits like, oak, mangos, bananas and some smaller plants are in 6-7 days into their journey. The farther the Macuxi people moved into the Earth, larger areas of vegetation observed. But not all areas are green and prosperous color. The Macuxi people say that some places are extremely dangerous and should be avoided, as those with boiling stone and streams “azoge.”

Macuxi Oral traditions continue and say that after going through these giant cameras, having spent half the trip have to move carefully as the mysterious “air” can cause people to “fly or float” around. Continuing their journey, they reach a place within the Earth, where the Giants lived. There, the Macuxi explorers ate food giants such as apples the size of human heads, grapes the size of a human fist, and delicious and giant fish were captured by the giants and the Macuxi given as gifts.

After stocking with offered by giant food, Macuxi explorers return “home” to the world “outside”, helped by the giants of the inner world. It is said that the Macuxi are the “guardians” of the underworld, guards the entrance Inner Earth and its legends tell of a land in the interior of the earth, which is full of incredible power and wealth.

This legend, of course, is considered by many as just that, another ancestral history. But for the Macuxi, his “legend” was as real as it gets ready, and they were the protectors of the entrance to the British explorers came to the Amazon in search of gold and diamonds, venturing into the caves, and never to return .

Since the last meeting with them, the Macuxi giants say they would be punished for not complying with their obligations and the “legends” of the giants vanished over the years.

Could this is just another legend? Or is there something more mysterious Macuxi tribe and legends? It is said that the Hollow Earth exist in many ancient civilizations and cultures around the world.

The existence of giant creatures that inhabit our planet is another fact present in dozens of ancient cultures around the world, even present in religious texts such as the . Bible ? Is it possible that the Macuxi legends are real and that there is an entrance to the inner Earth somewhere in the Amazon

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