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CERN Had An Accident: It “Created” A Rainbow (Universe)


Something very interesting happened at CERN recently – they had an accident.  The accident created a “rainbow” universe.  What does this mean, exactly?  CERN actually created a universe for 2.6 seconds.  The implications of this are both puzzling and astounding.  CERN’S “accident” all ties back to the question: what is the age of the universe?


The most widely accepted theory is that in the beginning there was a singularity and that at some point, according to modern mathematics, around 13.7 billion years ago, an event now known as The Big Bang occurred.

Space and time were created in this moment along with a finite amount of energy and matter in a very dense state.

But what if the math is wrong and the universe is older than we think?

Physicists and scientists using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Detector at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, apparently stumbled upon evidence that this might be true in a recent accident during the Large Hadron Collider’s warm-up on March 21.

According to Jessica Czerniski, a CERN physicist, the CMS – a general purpose detector, picked up irregular data and determined that they had ‘created’ a rainbow universe. She added that rainbow universes such as the one accidentally created in their tests had only been speculated to exist in the past.

There is solid mathematics to back it up however.

Rainbow universes are thought to be a natural result of gravity affected by different wavelengths of light and the theory behind it, while unproven at this point, attempts to fill the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity.

Einstein’s theory [of relativity] posits that objects, including light, warp space-time along a curving path and while standard physics does not depend on particle energy for this to be true, rainbow gravity does.

In an article that was published in the October 2014 edition of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, the colour of light is determined by its frequency and according to Adel Awad from the Centre for Theoretical Physics in Egypt, the author of the article, light particles of different colours travel along slightly different paths through space-time in relation to their energies.

The theory of rainbow gravity suggests that there was no Big Bang event at all and that the universe reaches backwards in time indefinitely.

One of the more startling points of interest found in the data from the accident at CERN, when compiled into three dimensions, was the outline of a ghostly dolphin-like creature. While it was originally thought to have been residual bleed from a nearby computer screen, analyzation of the data revealed that it is apparently real.

The next step of the CERN team responsible for these findings will be recreating the conditions that spawned this event and to collect more proof that rainbow gravity, and by extension, rainbow universes, are an actuality.

It will force the scientific community to rethink its current positions on the origins of the universe as we know it, more than likely causing the idea of a singularity-based Big Bang to be thrown out.

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