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Chemtrails: Deadly Mysterious Trails In The Sky


People and nature living beneath chemtrails are suffering.

Whatever the composition of the deadly trails may be, they blanket the sky and fall to earth, leaving tree trunks with white-silvery residue and the people with immune system problems.

Good all fashioned contrails evaporated behind a fading jet, leaving behind a blue sky.

There are many theories as to to why we are being sprayed with Chemtrails.

Some believe it may be that the elite are helping their industrial friends do some industrious recycling of dangerous compounds, others say they may be keeping the planet cool in preparation for a spectacular false-flag UFO landing, while at the same time keeping the masses medicated in advance…

Activist Post reports:

For so long now, the media have been pontificating those white trails in the sky are ‘contrails’. How can that be? Normally-created contrails don’t spread out into blanket clouds obscuring the sun! Real contrails disappear behind a plane quickly and never produce miles-long trails in the sky, as you can see in this short video.

Anyone who believes sky graffiti is a genuine exhaust contrail, needs to take a look at the film “Inside Chemtrail Planes,” which shows some eye-opening photos of how airliners are retrofitted with rows of storage tanks, which will contain the liquids that are sprayed via specially-crafted-and-attached “sprayers” into the atmosphere, all of us must breathe.

Inside Chemtrail Planes

If there are any persons out there, who worked with the above projects and knows more about how chemtrailing, aka Solar Radiation Management (SRM) [1] works; the liquid spray ‘ingredients’; or other germane information, please know that I’m interested in learning more than what I think I know.



By Catherine J Frompovich. A retired natural nutritionist who has advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Related: Congress Publish Irrefutable Evidence Of Chemtrails

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