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CNN Panelist Blames Trump For Racist Torture Of White Disabled Man

white disabled man

A former spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders has blamed the vicious attack on a white disabled man in Chicago, that was carried out by four black assailants and broadcast live on Facebook, on President-elect Donald Trump.

CNN commentator Symone Sanders says the attack was not really a hate crime but the result of Trump’s rhetoric.

Police on Thursday charged four African-American suspects under hate crimes statutes in the alleged kidnapping and torture of a young mentally handicapped man in Chicago.

From The Daily Caller:

During a panel discussion on CNN Wednesday night, Symone Sanders blamed an unlikely source for the kidnapping of a white, Chicago man who was mentally disabled.

For some reason, Sanders accused Donald Trump for forcing the four black assailants to torture their victim and record it, all while screaming, “fuck Donald Trump! Fuck white people!”

“I just want to remind folks that we cannot sit here and ignore that — at least for the last year on very public display — the worst parts of America have been brought from the fringe into the mainstream,” the former Bernie Sanders spox stated. “That affects people on both sides.”

“We’ve talked about white nationalists and white supremacists and the KKK, but there also, when this inflammatory rhetoric is out there, when someone is repeatedly telling you that your community is the worst of the worst, it brings out the worst of the worst in people.”

Sanders also claimed that the incident — again, committed by four black teens torturing a white teen while screaming, “fuck white people!” — was not in fact a hate crime.

“That is not a hate crime,” she blindly stated. “Hate crimes are because of a person’s racial ethnicity, their religion, their gender, a disability, it isn’t your political leanings, because someone doesn’t like you’re political leanings and they do something bad to you, that is not a hate crime.”

You can watch the entire interview below.


By Christian Datoc – Crazy CNN Panelist Blames TRUMP For Kidnapped, Tortured White Man — ‘That Is Not A Hate Crime’

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