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Coincidence? Sandy Hook Allowed Obama’s SSN Records To Be Censored

The alleged owner of Obama’s stolen SSN is a guy named Harrison J Bounel. He was a patient at Fairfield Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Newtown Connecticut.

After the Sandy Hook school shooting all death certificate records were locked down, meaning they were no longer public record. Therefore, the possibility of verifying whether or not Harrison J Bounel was the real owner of Obama’s social security record became impossible to verify as Harrison died in the same town in which the Sandy Hook shooting occurred. reports:

After the Sandy Hook “school shooting,” the State of Connecticut made a bizarre move.

CT locked down ALL Death Certificates — for any deaths in the entire State of CT.

Governor Malloy signed three Orwellian bills into law, after they were crammed thru at 2AM, “for the children.”

As a result, CT Death Certificates are NO LONGER public record — you cannot obtain them. Death Certificates have been PUBLIC RECORD for hundreds of years…. but suddenly, NOT ANYMORE.

Was the Sandy Hook “massacre” a ruse to lock down the Death Records of Harrison J Bounel — the real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN: #042-68-4425 ?

Harrison J Bounel died at Fairfield State Mental Hospital (circa 1978) in Newtown CT. Where is that location? It’s 1 mile from Sandy Hook Elementary school.

In other words, the rightful owner of Obama’s SSN died in the SAME TOWN where the historic “Newtown school massacre” occurred. Just 1 mile away.

Same State (CT). Same town (Newtown). Same town clerk’s office with same records (Newtown town clerk).

Amazing coincidence – or the reason for the Sandy Hoax coverup? Could this be why approximately $200 Million in taxpayer money changed hands surrounding this “massacre?”

Bounel’s SSN starts with an (042) Prefix, which was allocated only to Connecticut.

Yet Obama is from Hawaii/Chicago – he never lived in Connecticut. So why did Obama use this (stolen) Connecticut SSN on Obama’s 2009 Federal Tax Return?

Would access to Bounel’s Death Certificate (from his death in NEWTOWN CT) prove Obama used Bounel’s SSN?

Is that why Governor Malloy locked down Public Records for ALL DEATHS in the entire State of CT?

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