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FBI: Hillary Clinton Struck Illegal Deal With Attorney General

FBI claim that Hillary Clinton struck a deal with Attorney General Loretta Lynch

A number of FBI agents have come forward to claim that Hillary Clinton secretly struck a deal with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch in order to escape prosecution. 

According to The New York Post, FBI investigators working on the Clinton email investigation say that the Attorney General struck a deal with Bill Clinton during a private meeting aboard a plane. reports:

The Post cites anonymous sources in the FBI who claim that agents investigating Clinton were subject to higher-than-usual scrutiny. Agents had to sign “Case Briefing Acknowledgment” forms, non-disclosure agreements keeping them from speaking to anyone about the case unless called to testify. As a result, agents cannot go public with their opinions of the case, whether they agree with the final result or not.

Some of those agents privately tell the Post that they are “disappointed” with FBI director James Comey‘s decision not to recommend charges. Some were even more vocal: “FBI agents believe there was an inside deal put in place after the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting,” said one source.

The Post of course offers no evidence that Lynch and Clinton actuallystruck any deal, but the fact that Comey’s subordinates would even allege as much is striking. Meanwhile, a source in the Justice Department told the Post that many in the Department are “furious” at Comey, and that he “managed to piss off right and left.”

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