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FEMA Camp Conditioning? Mainstream: Future Jails “Like A Country Club”


For believing that our governments would ever imprison us in camps, Hitler-stlye, is often laughed off as a silly conspiracy theory.  Though there is literal historical evidence in the United States of that exact thing happening during WWII (see: Japanese internment camps – you can read some excellent articles about them here, here, and here), anyone who dares mention the word “FEMA” and “camp” in the same sentence are often ridiculed by everyone around them.

Though the United States Government likes to refer to the imprisonment of innocent Japanese-Americans in camps the “Japanese relocation” (to camps – they really do hate that word), the fact is they rounded up innocent American citizens and put them in camps – for years, in some cases.

Now, we have all heard the whispers of FEMA camps – the supposed grand plan that is somehow part of the “New World Order” and the “Illuminati” plan to use the UN’s Agenda 21 (which is now Agenda 31, 20, or something like that – it changes often) to imprison Americans for whatever reason they choose.

Now, while all of this may seem like conspiracy science fiction and fantasy to many, let’s ask ourselves a question – why is the mainstream media all of the sudden reporting on the “prisons of the future”?  They have even gone so far as to label them “country club-like”.

For those of you who are not familiar with the meaning of the phrase “operant conditioning”, here is what defines “operant conditioning” as: A process of behavior modification in which a subject is encouraged to behave in a desired manner through positive or negative reinforcement, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior.

In layman’s terms: getting someone used to an idea through a gradual process of using positive enforcement until they finally accept it.

Mainstream media is a means of positive reinforcement that billions across the globe rely on for their information.  That is why a mainstream and very trusted source of information such as the print magazine “Popular Mechanics” printing the following about the “prison of the future” should make you question the truth behind the text.

Popular Mechanics recently reported:

If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, you know that environment can manipulate behavior, encouraging you to stay out later or spend more money without realizing it. It’s the same in prison: Depressing conditions and a draconian culture can encourage poor behavior, which leads to longer punishments—at tax-payers’ expense. Prison is meant to deter crime, not foment it. For this reason, two architecture firms, KMD and HMC, used design principles from colleges and hospitals to build a women’s jail in San Diego that could reduce assault, vandalism, and, eventually, recidivism.

“It’s not nice. It’s not like you’re in a luxury hotel,” says Richard Wener, an environmental psychologist at New York University. “But there are colors. There’s furniture. It says, ‘We expect you to treat this place with respect. If you don’t, you won’t be able to stay here.'”

Though the $268 million Las Colinas Detention and Reentry Facility’s first phase has been open for only a year, both inmates and staff have already reported positive responses to the design. Here’s how the architects did it.

Now, this is where the article get’s VERY interesting – they are already comparing this new “prison” to that of a Las Vegas environment.  Popular Mechanics continues:

1. Large windows 

Both natural light and views of the outdoors reduce stress, according to environmental psychology studies. Lack of light may contribute to insomnia and mood disorders in prison populations, which can lead to behavioral problems that might not have manifested otherwise.  

2. Sound attenuation 

The architects worked with an acoustics expert to reduce noise and echoing in common areas, which can increase stress and confrontations. This was especially important in the cafeteria, where suspended “acoustical clouds” high above the tables muffle noise. “There’s evidence that the effects of stress are cumulative,” says Wener. When you’ve got lack of sleep, bad odors, insufficient light, and constant noise, the noise is an easy first target.

 3. Campus-style housing 

Living areas in the jail’s lowest-security settings look much like a community of two-story homes surrounded by outdoor areas, such as an amphitheater. Inmates have personal space in the form of their own cubicles. The goal is not to make life fun, it’s to reduce bad behavior, which leads to extended stays and overcrowding. “Every time we go into a building, we read the environment, and it tells us what’s expected of us,” says Wener.

4. Open booking 

Las Colinas’ open booking area is more like a large doctor’s office than the standard tank that prisoners are tossed into. “When you’re in a mixed room, and you feel like there are a lot of dangerous people around and they’re gonna assault you, you have only a few options, and none of them are good,” says Wener. “In open booking, the worst thing that happens is prisoners get bored for a few hours.”

5. Integrated guard areas 

Instead of observing inmates through windows, Las Colinas deputies are stationed inside the living units. You have the same number of guards, but they’re in closer proximity. “It’s analogous in some ways to community policing,” says Wener. “It’s the cop on the beat instead of driving by in the car. And the surprising thing for lots of people is that the safety record of officers is as good or better than in traditional jails, even though there are no bars between them and the inmates.”

Most of this sounds better than your average holiday hotel.  Even the name Las Colinas means “The Hills” in english.  Though there are many sides to this story – we urge you to read between the lines.  If prisons are now being presented as country clubs, what will larger FEMA camps be described as:  luxury spa destinations?  That’s is, if FEMA camps even exist.

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