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Former US Mayor Warns: America Will Stage False Flag In Iran

US mayor says US planning false flag in Iran

Art Olivier, former mayor of Bellflower, California has said that he believes the U.S. are planning on “setting up” Iran with what may be the world’s “greatest false-flag attack”.

Art, who in 2012, wrote and produced the film Operation Terror (in which the U.S. government  orchestrate the 9/11 terror attacks) says, “The United States is unfreezing Iranian assets while allowing Iran to buy aerial tankers and advanced fighter jets that the United States funded the development of. Looks like the stars may be aligned for the world’s greatest false-flag attack

Listen to Art talk about in the interview below (interview starts at the 57 minute mark)

The United States have a long history of conducting False Flag attacks both internationally and domestically, and do so in order to make it appear as though an attack has been carried out by other entities or nations in order for them to justify a “solution” they would not otherwise be able to execute otherwise.

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