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Is The Two Party Government Taking Us For Fools

Do you know who the first political parties were in the United States? You may be surprised to learn the history of the formation of the two-party system… reports:

If you pay close attention to how the “power” of these arbitrary groups of tyrants flip-flops back and forth, it doesn’t take a political scientist to see that this is by design. The point is that this 2 party system has always dominated politics in and around the USA. How can we call ourselves the “United States” if we are fundamentally and philosophically divided by 2 asinine, unnecessary, political parties? This makes absolutely no sense to me. These men and women are literally playing a game of catch with control over the our lives, yet people are too blind to see it, or too “busy” to care. This divide and conquer tactic has been the most effective warfare strategy since the dawn of insecure, dick-swinging, “men.” Until we recognize government for what it really is (useless), there will be NO “change.” Stop following others and start thinking for yourself.


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