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It’s Official: Justin Trudeau Announces Complete Gun Ban in Canada

Justin Trudeau announces gun ban

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stunned reporters on Tuesday by admitting on camera that he intends to ban all firearms in Canada.

Trudeau began by saying that he is intent on “freezing” the Canadian gun market while not distinguishing between handguns, shotguns and rifles.

He then admitted that his regime would look at “banning” all guns.

“Whether it’s our most recent initiatives on banning—sorry, on freezing the market for firearms, which will start moving us in the right direction over the medium and long term,” Trudeau said.

Watch: reports: A little over a month ago, following the school shooting in Texas, Trudeau proposed freezing pistol sales in Canada as part of new gun control legislation.

“The day this legislation goes into effect it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns in Canada,” Trudeau told reporters.

The announcement prompted a rush on gun sales with Canadian gun stores dealing with lines out the door.

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