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Macron’s France Seizes Lorries Carrying 130,000 Masks for Desperate British Hospitals

Macron's France seizes thousands of masks destined for British hospitals

French authorities impounded two lorries carrying over 130,000 masks destined for desperate NHS staff in the United Kingdom, following President Macron’s pledge to “requisition” all stocks in his territory.

The seizure occurred just 24 hours after French border guards took another heavy goods vehicle carrying hand sanitiser to Britain.

The incidents triggered a diplomatic row between the two countries as the NHS struggles to cope with increasing demand amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“On Tuesday night, French authorities stopped the hand sanitiser and confiscated the lot,” a British government source told to The Sun newspaper.

“On Wednesday night, it was lorries full of FFP3 face masks to protect staff.” reports: Another source in Whitehall tried to play down the incidents, however, claiming both were “dealt with relatively quickly.”

“There is a clear understanding between countries that only a united approach will tackle the public health emergency all countries face,” they suggested, adding that the mask seizure “appears to have been a misunderstanding, [and] we’re confident it won’t happen again.”

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the eurosceptic former Tory leader and Cabinet minister, remained distinctly unimpressed, saying of the incident: “This shows you all you need to know about European co-operation.”

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