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Melinda Gates Officially Becomes World’s Largest Abortion Clinic Donor

Melinda Gates becomes largest abortion clinic donor

Melinda Gates has officially become the world’s largest abortion clinic donor by donating vast amounts of her personal wealth to abortion causes, according to reports.

On May 28, 2024, Melinda gave away tens of millions of dollars worldwide to support abortion through Pivotal Ventures – a foundation she founded in 2015. reports: Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, told The National Catholic Register, “Melinda French Gates could do much to help women and their preborn children on the national — and even international level — yet she has decided instead to pour money into the abortion industry that already makes billions of dollars by taking the lives of innocent preborn children.”

“Tragically, this kind of ‘help’ destroys lives and damages women.”

And Gates has promised lots of money to destroy lives, approximately $200 million.

Pivotal Ventures said the new grants are “aimed at supercharging the work of organizations that are fighting in the U.S. to advance women’s power and protect their rights, including reproductive freedom.”

The National Catholic Register reports that some of the abortion-supporting recipients of Gates’ largesse include:

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