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Sarah Palin Shares Photo Of Dead Pig Before Trump Rally

Former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, shared a photo of her trophy pig with her fans before the polls opened in Wisconsin.

The photo of a dead pig was put on Facebook so that Palin’s fans would go and vote for Donald Trump, a commonsense conservative, who is going to make America great again.

The spirit of the wild boar might direct the Republicans towards the White House or the dustbin of history depending on Sarah Palin’s state of mind when she shot the animal.

The boar represents all sentient beings including humans, according to ancient beliefs.

The Independent reports:

Ahead of the next primary, the former Alaska governor shared a picture of herself posing next to a wild boar that she had just killed – to encourage supporters of the second amendment to vote for Mr Trump.

In the picture, she is holding the boar’s ears and smiling into the camera, her rifle resting along the flank of the animal.

On Wisconsin!

Faith of America is in you to take us forward on Tuesday; to remain strong and independent of the status…

Posted by Sarah Palin on Sunday, 3 April 2016

“The continued games of the permanent political class will assure a Hillary victory unless you tell them ‘ENOUGH!’ And vote for bold, new leadership that puts your interests before party politics,” she wrote. “Vote for your jobs and security.”

“Vote for the first candidate since Reagan who is growing the Commonsense Conservative movement… the only one who’s created middle class jobs… the only one not living off your tax dollars.. The only one Wisconsin can count on to steer us away from the rocky shoals ahead,” she added.

The 52-year-old posted the picture of herself in a camouflage jacket just hours before she attended a Trump rally at Zingers and Flingers Gun and Archery Range in Marathon City, Wisconsin.

The picture is from December 2014, when Ms Palin was promoting her reality television show “Amazing America With Sarah Palin”.

On previous rallies Ms Palin stood alongside Mr Trump and said he was the only candidate who could “kick ISIS’ ass”.

Ms Palin was back on the Trump trail last weekend following some time off after her husband was injured in a snowmobiling accident.

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