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Town Wants to Ban Cameras After Cop’s Obama Rant Goes Viral (video)

Nanny of the Month turns five-years-old this month, and after all these years busybodies still delight in making it it their business to mind your business. Back in September 2009, control freaks put everything from shark tours to apple pie on their hit list, and how about this month?

Careful where you toss those table scraps because Seattle has given garbage collectors the power to fine residents who aren’t all in on composting.

And a Minnesota pol is going Four Loko over the latest alcohol innovation. The manufacturer of Palcohol says its powdered alcohol will will be a hit with everyone from airlines to backpackers (astronauts?).

But if state Rep. Joe Atkins (D) has his way, Gopher State backpackers will be banned from pairing their campfire fried eggs with a freeze-dried Bloody Mary. (The feds now say they approved Palcohol by mistake.)

But on this very special episode, Nanny of the Month zeros in the Garden State.

Remember Richard Recine, the (now former) Helmetta, New Jersey special officer caught on video declaring that he does not have to abide by the Constitution since “Obama decimated the friggin’ Constitution”?

Helmetta officials were plenty embarrassed when the video went viral, and yet they chose to honor the spirit of Recine’s rant by pushing for a ban on photography and video in public buildings.

Under the proposed ordinance, citizens would need a permit to capture such moments of candor in the future, although public meetings would be exempt from the requirement.

The ACLU says the ordinance may be unconstitutional, however violators would still face up to $2000 in fines and up to 90 days in jail. But it’s ok, because officials are cracking down on photography for the sake of the children.

About two minutes.

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