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Trump Rally – “Look At My African-American Over Here”

Trump rally

An African American attending a Trump rally in northern California was singled out by the Republican presidential candidate on Friday.

The Donald pointed to a black man in the crowd saying, “Oh, look at my African-American over here!”

The Telegraph reports:

The billionaire property mogul has repeatedly been accused of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia for his bombastic campaign rhetoric.

At the Friday rally, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was in the middle of describing a past campaign event, at which he said a black supporter “slugged” protesters who were dressed in a “Ku Klux Klan outfit”.

“I want to find out what’s going on with him,” Mr Trump said. He then appeared to spot a black person in the audience in northern California.

“Oh, look at my African-American over here,” he said while pointing into the crowd. “Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about? OK!”

Polls have consistently shown that when it comes to support among African-American voters, the businessman trails his likely general election opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

He opened his campaign by accusing Mexican immigrants of being rapists and drug smugglers, before proposing to ban foreign Muslims from entering the country.

And despite polling evidence to the contrary, he continues to insist he has overwhelming support among America’s ethnic minorities.

After pointing out the audience member, Mr Trump then went on with his story, which appeared to match events at a March rally that took place in Arizona.

“We had an African-American guy at one of the rallies a month ago, and he was sitting there behaving,” said Mr Trump. “And we had protesters inside the arena. And they were dressed in a Ku Klux Klan outfit, OK?

“This African-American gets up and, man, he slugged these guys. He slugged them.”

Mr Trump added that many people thought the black supporter at the earlier rally was an opponent of his campaign.

“He was like this great guy, military guy, we have tremendous African-American support,” he said. “The reason is I’m going to bring jobs back to our country.”

Mr Trump spent much of the Redding rally bashing Mrs Clinton. He also pledged to “play heavy in California” in an effort to capture the electoral college’s biggest prize in November.

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