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Vice Journalist Admits He Fakes News For Liberal Audience

Vice writer admits to deceiving the public to appease 'liberal audience'

A former Vice News journalist has admitted that the Rupert Murdoch owned company routinely tells its journalists to disregard facts in favor of pushing a ‘liberal agenda’ in order to drive up profits and website clicks. 

Brave journalist Tim Pool took part in a Reddit “Ask me anything” (AMA) discussion in which members of the public were free to ask him anything.

One member asked Tim whether Vice deliberately omitted facts in order to push some kind of agenda. Tim’s very honest response was an unexpected breathe of fresh air:

Taken from Reddit:

Have you ever had word come down to report with a bias or to omit facts in order to push an agenda?

Had an article edited or denied due to the information not swaying a certain way? Or have you heard of other who have?

(TIM) Yes I have. Fusion told me and many other staff to “side with the audience.”

Which they clarified as young people being liberal or left leaning so that’s the angle we take regardless of the facts. It was not a fun time.Most companies don’t force journalists to be biased they just hire biased journalists in the first place.

What reasons do companies report to the masses or hire biased journalist? Is it strictly a business decision to drive traffic or is it politically motivated?

(TIM) Money and Politics, but usually money. An article about violent trump supporters will get waaay more shares than a balanced piece about violence on both sides.

The companies that are doing well learned that hyperpartisan content shares better than real news.

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