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World War 3: North Korea Warns That It’s On The Brink

A senior official from North Korea warns of the possibility of conflict with south Korea that could lead to World War Three.

It comes days after the last remaining truly communist country on the planet tested its first Hydrogen bomb. South Korea has been blasting loud propaganda messages across its borders with the north. This has antagonized the communist north which is already in a heightened state of insecurity with the south after its underground H-bomb test of a few days ago.

Anti-Pyongyang propaganda is coming across the border from the south via loudspeakers, and it’s driving the north to the brink, at a time when the country is celebrating its technological prowess. The chilling threat came after senior Pyongyang official Kim Ki Nam blamed Seoul of “driving the situation to the brink of war.”

The Express reports:

The senior official added that talks between the US and Seoul after the North’s H-Bomb test had stoked tensions and pushed the states towards a terrifying conflict.

Speaking at a rally, the head of the ruling Workers’ Party propaganda department, said: “Jealous of the successful test of our first H-bomb, the US and its followers are driving the situation to the brink of war by saying they have resumed psychological broadcasts and brought in strategic bombers.”

A South Korea official confirmed Seoul and the US had discussed military strikes on the Korean peninsular.

Reports suggest that the military assets include B-52 bombers, F-22 stelth fighters and nuclear-powered submarines.

North and South Korea are separated by the most heavily armed border in the world, and both have threatened each other with war in the past.

Talks between the two countries last year showed signs of tensions beginning to thaw after both sides reached a peace deal.

Under the deal, the South had agreed to stop broadcasting anti-Pyongyang messages from loudspeakers near the border.

But last week’s nuclear test has renewed tensions and brought the two countries to the verge of war.

US Secretary of State John Kerry urged China, the North’s only major ally and its biggest aid provider, to end “business as usual” with North Korea.

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