Researcher Proves ‘Vegan’ Cheese Is Actually Made From Cows Milk

Fact checked
Scientist discovers vegan cheese is actually made from cows milk

Health researcher Mike Adams has discovered that so-called “vegan” cheese actually contains large amounts of dairy in a shocking new video. 

The founder of CWS labs released a video on Tuesday detailing how “vegan” cheese is made with a cow milk protein known as “casein.” reports: In fact, I’ve recorded a video from my food science lab to show you the simple truth that “casein” is listed as an ingredient on multiple popular brands of “vegetarian”-positioned cheese products.

Indeed, many of these products seem to be deceptively marketed to vegans and vegetarians even when they are deliberately made with dairy protein derivatives.

It kind of makes you wonder just how honest the entire “vegan” grocery selection really is, doesn’t it? My advice on this is simple: If you want to really be a vegan, stop eating processed food.

Don’t be a “junk food vegan” who lives on processed vegan foods made from highly refined ingredients, in other words.

To be a healthy vegan, you need to consume minimally-processed raw foods and honest ingredients.


  1. He has claimed I don’t exist because I am white and he is mixed, indigenous american Indian.
    I have no qualms with him being mixed or whatever, but I do with his dehumanising me and fanning flames of hate and advocating genocide (UN genocide article 2) against me and my family.

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  2. Don’t be an idiot. Vegan cheeses are marked as vegan. There is no expectation at all that a Go Veggie product is vegan. That would be like assuming all “veggie burgers” are vegan. They are not and all vegans know that. If they are vegan they are marked as Vegan.

  3. Nahhhhhhh really I guess vegans thought it came from the cow’s bung hole.
    But even more so research has shown being on a vegan diet for longer than
    five years can kill you if your not taking the right supplements that you would
    get naturally from eating ,,,,,,,meat.

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