Tulsi Gabbard: ‘The American People Are Sick and Tired of the New World Order’

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Tulsi Gabbard warns the American people are sick and tired of the globalist elites

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says ordinary Americans have lost their patience for the ‘New World Order’ because the elites got sloppy and revealed their true colors.

Gabbard highlighted the elitist Democrats’ reaction when it comes to the role parents have in their child’s education during an interview on “Hannity” on Monday.

“What I see is this continued disrespect of the American people,” she said.

“You know, their children and their education,” she added.

“To listen to the American people who are sick and tired of the power elite, trying to tear us apart based on the color of our skin.”


“They don’t respect us enough to listen,” Gabbard warned.

“So how can we ever expect them to actually act in our best interests rather than the interests of themselves, their power, or the power of the elite?”


  1. Here Daniel Andrews premiere of Lockdown Vaccine state Victoria has had a little possee of 3 ,the power of 3 ,make a motion to give him Absolute Powers to rule as if an autocrat .He wants 5o be able to send people to hail for 2 years if they’re not wearing a mask amongst other typical heretic style witch burning types of moral authority.

    • Jail He wants taxpayers to have to pay the bills to keep someone in jail for up to 2 years for not wearing a mask .And we all know surgical masks don’t even work anyway.

  2. Good grief woman! Quit acting like the GOP constantly making the Dems the scapegoat for everything. The masonic order in this country are the invisible Nazi’s you cannot get away from. Their presence is like a leopard since everything in this country was founded on their beliefs. And despite what they say, their beliefs are constrained to their twisted interpretation of the word of God. I hate to say it but the NWO comes entirely from the Zionist principles of the masonic order – despite their twisting of Scripture. This is why the Bible reads: “you who fill Zion with bloodshed”. Towers don’t come down for any reason other than radical beliefs. Even if they are our own.

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