Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘God Has Been Protecting Me from the Evil Democrats’

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Kyle Rittenhouse says God has been protecting him from the Democrat mob

Kyle Rittenhouse says he believes God has been on his side since the beginning of the Democrat witch-hunt against him.

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Rittenhouse said he is planning to relocate to Florida in order to stay safe from the woke Democrat mob.

He admitted that, despite his calm appearance, he was “freaking out” over the last year’s events.

When Carlson asked if he was being “watched over,” Rittenhouse stated:

“I believe God’s been on my side from the beginning.”



TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. I mean, looking back, it’s been, you know, year and a half, less than even. This is not the life that you planned, obviously.

KYLE RITTENHOUSE: No. It is far from the life I planned. This is — this is something that I wish never would have happened, but it did, and we can’t change that. But how it’s been so — how it polarized — how polarized it became is absolutely sickening, like, right or left people using me for a cause that should never have been used as a cause.

CARLSON: I read that you’re not going to stay in the Midwest.

RITTENHOUSE: I’m not. I’m going to find somewhere to live. Before this, I actually wanted to move to Naples, Florida.


RITTENHOUSE: And then this happened, but I don’t know where I’m going to go. I’m going to go lay low and live — live my life and enjoy it.

CARLSON: Why are you so calm?

RITTENHOUSE: I’m a naturally calm person. I don’t find — I find it to be a problem when people are overreacting because things are out of our control. So, I try not to deal with that.

CARLSON: Hmm, I mean, just for the —

RITTENHOUSE: Believe me, on the inside, I’m freaking out.

CARLSON: Well, you must be. I mean, for the record. We’re — know, you’ve just got acquitted.


CARLSON: I mean, like two days ago.


CARLSON: That was the first thing I noticed that you seem very calm. You don’t seem like someone who’s just been through, you know, had his mind blown.

RITTENHOUSE: Yes, in the inside are freaking out, but the best thing you do, you freak out, everybody else freaks out. It’s like a chain reaction.


RITTENHOUSE: So the best thing I can do is stay calm.

CARLSON: Do you feel like you’ve been watched over?

RITTENHOUSE: I believe God’s been on my side from the beginning.


  1. go ploop your zits baby pug thuggy`SS^^^ your brainwashed by trumpist maddness-you will be on death b4U know as you an`t a super hero zero-your FN brainwashed and you an`t a trooper

    • Lol, spewing vile hatred aint gonna get you anywhere. But please keep at it and see how it enriches your life.

      • Spewing Bullets and carryin a macky is MURDER and murder is something everyone hates.Baby zitty PUG thug needed a hug? but the 1% gave him a GUNNY honey and no training and no need for a long gun at close range-wrong useage of a fire arm by a Trump-KIN munch-KIN know nothin.We are genicied for trillons in patent right royuitys at HHMI since the peace movement.We never got lifes we saved yor tassys& the world by building the modern age for you.Yea I hate baby thugs headed 4 death ROW4 life plus amillion or two in the after

      • If you knew a Thingy bout anythingy holly goodie you would know the hughes`s got genicided out of it by scarface& ORG crime

      • And I an`t the one carrying a macky for the bullets bombs and booze crewSS^^^ 1% up top side STARFISH PRIME was no test just as comos 1408 is not either it`s WAR

  2. Many of us prayed for you Kyle and He answered our prayers. You are a fine young man and may God always be your guide and by your side.

  3. you turned a civil country into a war zone and YOU THINK you are GOD…you have been brainwashed GUNG ho but you an`t got no one shooting back at yers.Your Time will come your actions are insane and that is WTF you should have pleed your panties4 and cryed and cryed and cryed fo until olt fratty ratty gave you a break

  4. “God” isn’t protecting him from anything, least of all from his own mouth. Procedural justice and the decency of people who know what “self defense” means is all that protected him. HIs kissing BLM @$$ is not protecting him, either. All he’s doing is showing the underbelly of the Lubovich conservative disease that America has had for about 100 years.

  5. Let’s not forget the media who whipped the public into a frenzy over a white kid who shot three white guys while defending himself, and then whipped the public into a frenzy because the supposed “racist” white guy who shot three white guys is super racist and privileged because he wasn’t put in prison for it, which caused some racist black guy to drive his SUV through a parade killing other “privileged” white people. The blood of those people is all over the hands of the sick SOB’s that decide the Progressive MSM media narrative in the US, They should be sued by all the Victims of the Christmas Parade because it was the Media that set that Racist Black guy off.

  6. Ritten,noun, ‘a young rat’: ‘Tis a hoax, folks, just more deride and fool, divide and rule, their golden tool, so best that you stay alert to the hidden hand distraction attractions so as not to become a victim of the small hat factions.

    theunexpectedcosmology dot com/can-we-still-talk-about-kyle-rittenhouse-or-have-we-moved-on/

  7. Nothing makes the Leftist neurotic-psychotic collective screech louder than any mention of God.
    Same as it ever was..

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