12 Reasons Why Millennials Hate Hillary Clinton

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The biggest reason millennials dislike Hillary is not because they are uninformed, it’s because they are very informed. Unlike the older generations, they do not get all of their information from the corrupt mainstream media outlets.

With Hillary Clinton puzzled why she isn’t “50 points ahead” of Trump, and even more confused why her polling numbers with 18-29-year-olds are plateauing at rock bottom, perhaps a reminder of why she is viewed as a toxic brand by millennials is in order.

The biggest reason millennials dislike Hillary is not because they are uninformed, it’s because they are very informed. Unlike the older generations, they do not get all of their information from the corrupt mainstream media outlets.

Millennials grew up with the internet. They are digital natives savvy enough to get their information from multiple sources, and they know what smells like establishment propaganda. Millennials don’t wait until the 10 o’ clock nightly news for the news anchors to lie to lie to them. Young people instantly check the internet – and the powers that be have yet to work out how to control the web. We have video evidence of Hillary consistently lying to us.

More importantly, an entire generation of young voters, politically engaged and excited about the democratic process, were told to sit down and shut up. Their votes didn’t matter. The DNC did everything they could to make sure their votes didn’t count and as a result we are stuck with the worst Democratic candidate in history.

theodysseyonline.com reports:

Here are 12 reasons why millennials dislike Hillary Clinton:

1. She voted for the illegal war in Iraq that killed a minimum of 100,000 civilians. By 2053, the Iraq would cost the US taxpayers $7 trillion dollars. She was in favor of killing hundreds of thousands to millions of innocent civilians but she claims we will never have universal healthcare which is much cheaper. She said the Iraq war should be viewed as a “business opportunity.” She was in favor of a war on terror that costs trillions of dollars that has made us less safe and that has created more jihadist and terrorist. That’s what democrats, progressives, and millennials are supposed to support?

2. She is in favor of more intervention and is extremely hawkish. She said that she learned from her errors in voting for the Iraq War yet she wants to create a No Fly Zone in Syria. If Russian planes fly over Syria, they will be shot which could potentially lead to a Third World War. Only 17% of the country still want to be involved in the wars that we are involved in now. Hillary wants to get involved in more war.
She voted for the Patriot act. The Patriot Act essentially says “ the Fourth Amendment? LOL, what’s a fourth amendment? Constitution? Pleeeeease. You have no protection from unreasonable search and seizures. The government is allowed to collect your metadata and watch everything you do.”

3. While she was Secretary of State, she gave an exemption to South Sudan for their child soldiers so the US could continue to give them arms because they are our allies. Let me say that again. Hillary gave South Sudan exemptions so they could continue to arm child soldiers. Does she fight for children?

4. In a 1996 news conference she infamously called black youth “super predators” and said they must be brought to “heel”. When a young black woman held up a sign of her infamous quote “We have to bring them to heel”, and asked Hillary to apologize to black people for mass incarceration, Hillary responded by brushing her aside and continuing with her speech. The youth black woman was escorted out of the room and Hillary said: “ok, back to the issues”. She is essentially saying the mass incarceration and the war on drugs that have destroyed black communities are not an issue.

5. Hillary Clinton claims to fight for women’s rights while she armed Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, women are second class citizens. Women must cover up from head to toe and they aren’t allowed to drive. Saudi Arabia is bombing women and children in Yemen RIGHT NOW with weapons that Hillary supplied. How can you claim to fight for women’s rights when you are arming a nation where women don’t matter? Oh, I get it, Hillary fights for women and children as long as they are not brown women and children.

6. She supported NAFTA and CAFTA which are outsourcing deals that cost America millions of jobs and is the reason Detroit collapsed and is no longer a great city.

7. She supported Wall Street deregulation which caused the subprime mortgage crisis and the great recession. Then she turned around and blamed home owners for the subprime mortgage crisis.

8. She pushed for the TPP 45 times before she said she was against it.
She hired Tim Caine as her VP who a corporatist, supports the TPP, supporters right to work laws which destroy unions and lowers wages, is supported by Wall Street and large banks, he is in favor of fracking, he voted for more money in politics… pretty much, he is a male Hillary Clinton.

9. She was against the Bankruptcy Bill as the First Lady and was able to convince Bill Clinton to veto the bill. After she became a senator and took money from the credit industry who wanted the bankruptcy bill passed, the bill was reintroduced. She then voted in favor of that bill.
She was a big believer in universal healthcare. Once she took money from the health care industry she said “we will never have universal healthcare.”

10. Hillary was coronated by the DNC and the mainstream media. Before WikiLeaks revealed that the primaries were rigged against Bernie Sanders towards Hillary Clinton, Sanders supporters screamed about that and were told that they are crazy conspiracy theorist. Now that the cat is out of the bag, instead of admitting their wrongdoing and apologizing to Sanders supporters and progressives, the DNC and mainstream media blamed Russian hackers instead of taking responsibility for the wrong that they did.

11. She is in favor of the Keystone Pipeline and promoted fracking all across the world.

12. The Clintons in their lifetimes have raised over $3 billion dollars from special interest groups

There are many more reasons why millennials dislike Hillary. The biggest reason we dislike Hillary is not because we are uninformed, it’s because we are very informed. Unlike the older generations, we do not get our information from the corrupt mainstream media outlets. We have the internet. We don’t wait until the 10 o’ clock nightly news for the news anchors to lie to us. We instantly check the internet. We have video evidence of Hillary consistently lying to us. More importantly, an entire generation of voters who voted for the first time was told to sit down and shut up. Our vote didn’t matter. The DNC did everything they could to make sure our vote didn’t matter as a result; we are stuck with the worst democratic candidate in history.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.