Armed Black Militants in Tulsa: ‘We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’

Fact checked
Armed BLM militants in Tulsa vow to kill all white people

Armed black militants from the New Black Panther Party have vowed to ‘kill everything white in sight’ during a march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers held a “March for Reparations” protest and marched through downtown Tulsa.

“The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a news release from the domestic terror group read.

“We must fight on every front to achieve redress and Reparations for the atrocities committed upon Tulsa Massacre descendants; and we must intensify the fight to achieve Reparations for all 40-million Blacks still grossly affected by racism, inequality, wealth disparity, police brutality and the like. Tulsa will mark a new beginning in the upgraded fight for Reparations for Black people.” reports: Activists shouted, “Black power! Black power!”

Another supremacist threatened white people and said, “Because that time will come when there’s a rat-a-tat-tat… black Americans will kill everything white in sight.”


The following groups participated in Saturday’s march:

  • The Huey P Newton Gun Club (HPNGC)
  • The Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club (EGPGC)
  • The New Black Panther Party for Self- Defense (NBPP)
  • The Fred Hampton Gun Club (FHGC)
  • The New Black Liberation Militia (NBLM)
  • The Panther Special Operations Command (PANSOC)
  • Multiple other groups and private gun owners

Meanwhile, the FBI is busy hunting down grandmas who aimlessly wandered through the Capitol on January 6.


  1. They’ll get it. Tulsa will pay and then so will city after city, State and more. Our authorities are helpless in the face of the racism card and can’t even defend our borders. 700 illegal migrants crossed the Rio Grande en masse and were welcomed by the authorities. Meanwhile our own Texas legislature walks out to prevent a reasonable Voter ID Bill.. racists against Hispanics! they said.. Jim Crow against poor Hispanics! What tripe..we require verifiable ID for dozens of daily tasks. and THIS is what voters in Mexico have..

    • Yes the Bush Clinton cartel following on from previous presidents l worked together to subvert America by running the drug trade and then funneling billions of U S dollars to the Catholic States whilst sending their liabilities Into America to burden the welfare system prisons hospitals and schools Still are

  2. All deceived y corrupt educators and curriculum councils into not understanding that ametica had slavery when it was an ENGLISH Crown Goliny and after independence, after Americans gave their lives fighting for freedom the America they think owes them reparations is actually the America that ended slavery and gave them liberty .It is England that profited from the slave trade not America

    • Be aware :

      Great Britain was the FIRST country to rule out slavery and the British Navy for decades captured the ships heading towards the USA . . .

      Happy to educate you !

      • Theatre ipso factio Meanwhile England ran the slave trade and grew to be super wealthy from it and not just be transporting an estimated ten million africans ,mainly to Jamaica to grow addictive sugar but also in India as slaves growing opium and tea The very tea that set off the Boston Tea Party .And the English navy wanted to destroy especially tbe Southern French Empire It was still French then after having sold them slaves for ages ,and lending them money to buy them too and so set up a counter operation Get educated properly Not superficially from you tubes e English propaganda and anti American subterfuge They used slaves to basically get wealthy so that London is the richest square mile on earth still today .

        • England owes reparations to AFRICA which was 80 % colonised by it and enslaved by it India who it enslaved too as well as Australia were they paid aboriginals just in tbe tea and sugar their other slaves produced for them but also in tbe slave run tobacco trade too .So really as good as slaves too and similar in their other colonies like New Zealand and Canada But not Tasmania because they committed total.genocide there

          • And after England did ” object ” to.slaery ,after running the whole racket for centuries ,they did it mainly to attack Frances Colonies in concert wurh tbe French revolution as a double whammy being a good investment to destroy France which was the greatest economic a d military superpower in Earth at the time Not after they used their agents to destroy the french cotton plantations in the south by banktupting them.Tben E gland just replaced slaves with ” convicts ” and set up chain gangs as e en cheaper to keep than slaves be cause they didnt even have to treat them as humans but could kerp them in cages like animals and just let then out to work.Slaves built Australia that way .

    • No one gets what they deserve Never ever have Life isn’t fair and politics is the most devious craft in earth The most dishonest and deceitful.

      • ” politics is the most devious craft in earth The most dishonest and deceitful. ”

        100 % TRUE .

  3. Armed Black Militants in Tulsa: ‘We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’
    Most Oklahomans own firearms and most are proficient in their use. And many are more than willing to defend their fellow Oklahomans. Don’t start a war you can’t win.

  4. Aren’t these the same knuckleheads that wound up shooting each other while performing their militia drills last time? This should be fun to watch….

  5. You might as well ask the Normans to pay the Saxons reparations. If people are forced to pay reparations 200 years from now, they will take $100 out of their right pocket and put it into their left pocket. That’s because almost everyone will be of mixed Race. It’s a problem that automatically disappears. Meanwhile, there is no barrier to education. The kids go into class, the teacher educates them, the kids go home and do the homework, and the kid learns.

    If the kid doesn’t have parents that can afford college, shove the kid into the military (like I did). When joining the military, the kid gets to select his specialty. Electronics, computer, mechanic, finance, operating room technician, x-ray technician, etc. The kid leaves the military and gets a job in that field. The kid goes to college while working. He majors in business, math, chemistry, physics, or some other high paying major. The kid graduates. Affirmative Action guarantees he gets a job. He finds a mate and starts a family. He encourages his kids from the start to want to go to college. He pays for their college so they do not have to go into the military. When those kids grow up and work as a doctor or lawyer, they send their kids to an Ivy League College and they pick a profession where they earn six figures. The alternative to joining the military is to live at home for a couple of years and flip hamburgers, work at Amazon, a warehouse, a grocery store, or any number of low skill jobs until the kid can afford to pay for college himself. The kid walks out with enough saved money for tuition, books, and a place to live. I walked out of an orphanage, joined the military, learned a trade, worked my way through college, and graduated. I worked in and around government my entire professional career. I eventually started a family. If Black people are willing to run around murdering people simply because they are White, then maybe they have the dedication to turn off the TV and spend three hours a night studying their homework and get a college degree. Education will move more of the Black population into the middle Class than murdering White people.

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