Ask Siri “What Is Zero Divided By Zero?”

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If you ask Siri the question “what’s zero divided by zero?” you will get the following funny response:

Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends. How many cookies does each person get? See? It doesn’t make sense. And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies, and you are sad that you have no friends.” reports:


It must be a pretty fun job whoever is behind all these, sitting there in sunny Cupertino wondering what idiotic things people might shout into their phones.

Other pithy one liners, as collected by The Daily Beast, are as follows:

You: “Read me a haiku?”

Siri: “Sometimes I wonder / What it would be like to say / “I’d prefer not to.’


You: “I’m naked.”

Siri: “I don’t understand what you mean by ‘naked.’ Or at least I’m going to pretend that I don’t.”


You: “I’m drunk.”

Siri: “Just don’t breathe on me.”

You: “Are you Her?” [Referencing the movie]

Siri: “I’m afraid now [your name], but she could never know you better than I do.”

You: What’s your favorite animal?”

Siri: “Maybe a tauntaun. But only when I’m cold.”


You: “Make me a sandwich.”

Siri: “I’m not permitted to prepare food.”


You: “Can I borrow some money?”

Siri: “[Your name], you know everything I have is yours.”

You: “When is the world going to end?”

Siri: “Right after you hear the words ‘fire it up!’”


You: “Who’s your daddy?”

Siri: “I know this must mean something… everybody keeps saying this.”


You: “Open the pod bay door.”

Siri: “Without your space helmet, [your name], you’re going to find this rather… breathtaking.”


You: “What are you doing later?”

Siri: “I’m working on some pickup lines.”

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