Benghazi documents scrubbed to protect Hillary: former official

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‘Hillary Clinton’s minions launched a weekend operation in the basement of the State Department to scrub damning documents related to the Benghazi attacks that killed a US Ambassador, a top former official has charged.

Then-Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell said he walked in uninvited to the Sunday afternoon scene a month after the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist strike to find several boxes of papers — and immediately asked an office director what was happening.

“She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,’” Maxwell told The Daily Signal, the news outlet for the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The seventh floor is where Clinton — then Secretary of State — and her top advisers had offices.

“I asked her, ‘But isn’t that unethical?’ She responded, ‘Ray, those are our orders.’ ”

The documents were due to be turned over to a review board investigating Benghazi.

Maxwell alleges two of Clinton’s closest confidants were on hand to check on the operation: Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan.

The State Department Monday denied Maxwell’s account and reiterated the review board had access to all documents.

“Any accounts to the contrary … are completely without merit, completely ill-informed,” said state department spokeswoman Marie Harf, noting the review board could collect documents directly from anyone in the department.

Maxwell was interviewed May 30, 2013, by the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, according a Democratic source on the committee.

“Maxwell did not raise this allegation with the congressional investigators despite multiple opportunities to do so,” the source said.

Maxwell, 58, was one of four officials forced out of the State Department immediately after the damning Accountability Review Board report revealed security lapses in the attacks that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and fellow Americans Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

Maxwell was later reinstated and accused Clinton’s team of scapegoating him. He has since retired.

Attempts to reach Maxwell were not successful. But at least one congressman is vouching for his credibility.

“I have no reason not to believe his story,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) who met Maxwell and listened to his claims for more than an hour “a number of months ago.”

He believes Congress should hear from Maxwell as well as Mills and Sullivan.

Chaffetz didn’t make Maxwell’s claims public because “every time we learn something we don’t go out and have a press conference,” he said.

On Wednesday, the newly formed House Select Committee on Benghazi will hold its first public hearing. A committee spokeswoman says the panel intends to look into Maxwell’s claims.

Clinton’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.’

Report By New York Post

Niamh Harris
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I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.