Chris Cornell 911 Call Leaked Online Sparking Murder Fears

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
911 call reveals new information about Cornell's death, sparking fears of a murder and cover-up.

The first 911 call reporting the death of Chris Cornell has been leaked online, revealing that the musician had “suggestions of strangulation” and “trauma to the back of the head“.

The new information, not made public by the official investigation, has raised fears that Chris Cornell was murdered.

The caller, speaking from Cornell’s Detroit MGM Grand Hotel room at 1:30AM on May 18th, says, “I’m on scene with a 53-year old male, 53-year old male pulse [inaudible] on arrival with crew.”

“Unknown downtime, found by a roommate in a hotel at MGM.”

“Patient did have a exercise rubber band around his neck. Suggestions of a possible strangulation, trauma to the back of the head. History of depression. Patient is cool to the touch in all areas at this time. Pulse [inaudible], been on scene for over 30 minutes at this time.”

“Pupils are fixed and dilated. IO in the right knee, ligature marks on his neck, he have established a patent airway, [inaudible] tube.”

“We’re not able to resuscitate at this time, so we’re asking for pronouncement.”

While this new information does not completely rule out the official ruling that Chris Cornell committed suicide, it does raise serious questions about the investigation, and why the “trauma to the back of the head” was suppressed from the official report.

The call is below at 7:06:35.

A close friend of the Soundgarden and Audioslave vocalist also claims the late singer may have been murdered, in what appears to be a cover-up by those closest to him.

The friend, who posted his revelations online, says he was the first person to see Chris Cornell dead in his MGM hotel room. The scene of Chris’ death resembled a murder scene, not a suicide.

Posting on GLP, the anonymous friend said:

Chris’s own personal security guards deeply sensed that something was wrong in his hotel room, and were doing everything they could to gain access to the room. The door to his room was locked, and only he(Chris) had a key. His security personnel, one in particular called MGM security to the room, told them he knew Chris was inside and that something was wrong, they begged MGM security to open the room and allow them in. MGM security called the commanding officer of that shift, and apparently that person vehemently denied them access.

At that point Chris’s personal security took matters into their own hands, and the one I spoke of earlier actually busted in the door himself. Upon entering it was obvious Chris was not in the main room, and the bathroom door was closed and locked. It was at this point that my source, who is obviously MGM security, decided to step in so no more damage would be done to the room. He/she unlocked the bathroom door and was the first to see Chris’s body.

The conversation with this person was quick and I wasn’t able to ask all the questions I wanted to, YET. So far all I’ve been told is that he was indeed on the floor deceased, and the obvious cause was strangulation. The device used in the strangulation was also present, it was not a rope or bed sheet, it was a black exercise resistance cord with handles at each end.

This is all I have at the moment due to the timing of the conversation. My source has been put on sick leave for mental stress, and was given an all expenses paid trip out of the country for the next week. I have a lot of questions for this person that I will be able to get answers to when he/she comes home.

  1. Where was his body, how was he laying?
  2. Was he naked, clothed, or partially clothed?
  3. Where was the exercise cord in proportion to Chris’s body, was it around his neck, lying on the floor, or hanging from the shower head? (I’ve been in those suites many many times, my fiance and I frequent MGM and are known by staff. There are no shower curtain rods, the showers have glass doors so the only apparatus that could have been used for self-inflicted asphyxiation is the shower head).
  4. Did it seem to be odd in any way, was it obvious that it was self-inflicted, or did things look and feel out of place?

These are the questions I have so far, and I will be back in touch with my source to ask them as soon as possible.

If there are any questions that my GLP Brothers and Sisters have, please add them here over the next cpl days, and I will compile a list of all of them. I will get as much intel as possible as soon as I can.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.