CNN Poll Shows Independents Disapprove of Dems Treatment of Kavanaugh

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The Democrats campaign against Brett Kavanaugh not only re-energized the Republican base, it also outraged the majority of Independent voters.

The Democrats failed smear campaign against newly confirmed SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh has not only re-energized the Republican base, it has also outraged the majority of Independent voters, according to a new CNN poll that suggests the promised “blue wave” will fail to materialize at the midterm elections.

According to a stunning new CNN/SSRS poll, Independent voters strongly disapprove of Democrats handling of the nomination by a 28-point margin, pointing to a huge win for President Trump and the GOP in November’s elections.

The new poll revealed that only 36 percent of likely voters approved of the Democrats’ treatment of Kavanaugh, with 56 percent disapproving of the liberals all-out smear campaign against the Justice, his family and his friends.

ILMF reports: When broken down along party lines, the numbers were even more striking.

Among likely GOP voters, 55 percent disapproved and only 35 percent approved.

A further breakdown in the poll revealed that 58 percent of Independent voters disapproved of the way Democrats treated Kavanaugh and the nomination process. Just 30 percent of Independents approved.

On Saturday, the U.S. Senate officially confirmed Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, delivering a major win to Republicans and Trump. Mostly along party lines, Kavanaugh was confirmed by a vote tally of 50-48.

On Friday, the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that the FBI’s supplemental background report on Kavanaugh showed that there is no support for the allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh.

The FBI’s seventh background investigation into Kavanaugh came after Democrats advanced shoddy allegations from people who claimed the Judge was inappropriate almost four decades ago.

Christine Blasey Ford alleged Kavanaugh groped her at a party around 1983 — she has no witnesses or evidence to support her claims. Deborah Ramirez claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a party in 1983 — she has no witnesses or evidence to support her claims.

Julie Swetnick wrote in her sworn affidavit that Kavanaugh drugged women, took part in “gang rapes.” She walked back her claims soon after, contradicting her original claims.

Two others came forward with allegations in the form of anonymous letters,but nothing ever came of it.

None of the accuser’s have any evidence or witnesses to corroborate their claims against Kavanaugh, but Democrats demanded the FBI investigate them as part of the supplemental background investigation into Kavanaugh.

But pooling appears to show that the circus orchestrated by the Democrats has ignited a firestorm among GOP and Independent voters.

With 55 percent of GOP voters and 56 percent of Independent voters disapproving of liberals leading an all-out smear campaign against Kavanaugh and his family, that could result in Republicans keeping their majorities in both the House and Senate in November’s midterm elections.

More importantly, it would appear that Republicans have a strong edge with Independent voters, as the handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation process will be a major campaign issue for all candidates.

Women voters could also play a big role in November, and many are likely not pleased that Democrats attempted to ruin Kavanaugh’s life with baseless allegations — which still have not been corroborated — from nearly four decades ago. That could also severely hurt Democrats’ chances of winning.

Polling makes it evident that Democrats no longer have the momentum, and that the “Blue Wave” is looking like it is going to hit a big, huge Red wall.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.