Democrats Build 8 Foot Wall Around Philadelphia Convention Site

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After months spent criticising Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall as fascist, ignorant and morally wrong, the Democratic National Committee has erected a four mile, eight foot high fence around the site of the convention in Philadelphia.

After months spent criticising Donald Trump’s plan to build a border wall as fascist, ignorant and morally wrong, the Democratic National Committee has erected a four mile, eight foot high fence around the site of the convention in Philadelphia.

With the explosive contested convention due to kick off at the Wells Fargo Center, it appears the DNC would rather be accused of hypocrisy than be forced to deal with the public – or Bernie Sanders supporters.

A large, impassioned crowd of Sanders supporters – chanting “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary” – marched on Sunday afternoon to the site of the Democratic National Convention, promising a week in which the party’s divisions will be on full display in the streets.

The recent Wikileaks email dump, proving Sanders’ supporters were right to accuse the DNC of conspiring against the Sanders campaign, has added further fuel to the fire.

More than 1,000 people from as far as Alaska and Florida marched in the first of what are expected to be many Sanders rallies in Philadelphia during the coming week. The march, led by a huge banner declaring “Help End Establishment Politics, Vote No on Hillary,” was far larger than any of the protest marches at last week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Fox 29’s Steve Keeley tweeted a picture of the fence near the intersection of Broad and Pattison:

Different camps inside Bernie Sanders’ 1,900-member delegation to the DNC convention are anticipating varying degrees of protests – some discussing their intentions openly, others planning in secret – but it appears the DNC establishment are taking precautions to ensure they remain in control of the event.

Twitter user @BKrab1 tweeted a photo of a CNN reporter in front of the fence, and pointed out the DNC hypocrisy:

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.