Fauci Calls For Vaccine Mandates: “The Time Has Come. Enough Is Enough”

Fact checked
Dr Fauci

After the FDA fully approved the Pfizer covid vaccine on Monday, Dr Fauci immediately started calling for nationwide vaccine mandates.

The president’s chief medical advisor said the new aim is to get the pandemic under control by spring, but that it will depend on the unvaccinated changing course and getting the jab.

Using his favorite propaganda platform CNN, Fauci declared: “We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

“There was some poll that showed about 30% of people who are not anti-vax, they were just waiting to get what they felt was the real final stamp of approval, which we just got today with the Pfizer product” he said

Summit news reports: He continued, “And those 30% are saying when that occurs, they will feel very, very comfortable about getting vaccinated. So right away, you’re talking about 30%. I hope they come through with what the survey said.”

Fauci added “They’re going to give a lot of incentive and backing for a lot of institutions and organizations and places of employment to mandate, and that could be colleges, university, the military, organizations that employ a lot of people, some of the big corporations are going to say if you want to work for us in person, you’ve got to be there and get vaccinated.”

Fauci then dismissed freedom as an after thought, noting “I know I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis that we’ve been going through for well over a year and a half, the time has come. Enough is enough. We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.”

“If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on, leading to the development of another variant which could complicate things.” Fauci further proclaimed.



  1. He should have been sacked. But instead ,since Virginia’s court case is back he’s banging in his distract the world drums again .

    • He should have been tarred and feathered and then guillotined: Yep, he’s no doubt banging his boyfriend in his distract (euphemism for…).

  2. The dollar is about to collapse so they have to disable as many people as possible so there will not be a revolt. that is my take on the situation.

    • No the dollars going to be protected at all costs .China and Russia have bought tonnes of gold so they will keep its value down and the Petro dollar up War will use billions vif litres of diesel and for years .They won’t be using electric battleships or tanks or anything like that .

      • i would not count on the dollar being protected, you may be right, but they are positioning themselves to ok with a dollar collapse, then move to a digital currency, a cashless society. then they can have full control of all buying and seling.

      • Julie Brohsoh, I second the motion .. Those pushing this poison – Bill Gates of Hell, Anthony Falsie, et al – have to be rounded up and prosecuted for crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremberg Code. After the prosecution’s finished, these mass murderers must all face the consequences of their evil deeds.

  3. Can you fathom a scenario where the FDA would not approve the vaccines? Impossible. even if it crippled 10% of people. the vaccinated population would freak out if the FDA refused to approve it. So basically I have NO confidence in their decision to approve this. It still has not completed vaccine trials. FDA approved Phen fen, Thalidomide,, those were doozies.

  4. FDA approved drug here…..Cancer Drug Thalomid (Thalidomide) Can Cause Serious Side Effects, Including Secondary Cancers

    • They know how to make people sick using antibiotics which promotes bacterial.griwth that causes depression dementia althzeimers the disease Hawking’s had ,and masses of other diseases Masses All by caring .I remember my grandmother telling me as a child not to take them cause they knew even then the real side effects.

  5. Part 1 of 4. This is the data that is now available.

    The Graph above shows daily Covid-19 Deaths. The vaccine brought the GROWING virus death rate down from an average of 3,500 deaths every day to a diminishing average of 250 deaths every day (which is still like a 9/11 death rate every 12 days). But since only 1.5% of the deaths are under the age of 50, the risk of taking the vaccine seems inappropriate for younger people unless they have a problem with their immune system. What risks, you say? Luc Montagnier (The 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of HIV) has raised two broad issues. The first is that the Covid-19 vaccines are driving the creation of mutants. The second is that a process called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is driving more serious infection in vaccinated persons.

      • Howdy Julie Bronson. I get that you are upset that I disagree with you. I get that you do not believe what the politicians of both parties, scientists, and doctors are telling you. But think about it. That would mean we are experiencing a world wide conspiracy from every government on the planet. And since we can’t even get our politicians to all agree that criminals should be put in jail, I find that very hard to believe. If you are under 50, I agree that the data does not support someone of your age taking the vaccine. If you are over 50, then we disagree – but I support your decision not to take it. I think you are taking a larger risk, but I’m fine with you taking that risk.

        • 99.9%survival rate. The risk of dying from the clot shot is far greater than not taking it. This is NOT a vaccine. Many taking it are still getting sick. I recommend throwing it in the sea and executing those pushing this FARCE

          • Howdy Julie Bronson. I would LOVE to see the evidence that you cite where a far greater number of people are dying from the vaccine than are being saved by it. If I can verify that information, I will change my opinion about the vaccine instantly. But so far, the data shows that about half a million people have been saved in the US by the vaccine during just the last 222 days. Again, I would love to see the data you are looking at.

  6. Part 2 of 4. Because so many people over 65 have already taken the vaccine, the proportion of people contracting the virus younger than 50 will go up as the overall death rate goes down. This will no doubt be used by Democrats to encourage more younger people to become vaccinated. The validity of that argument disappears if the overall Rate of deaths goes down. The vaccine does not prevent anyone from contracting the virus. It only mitigates its symptoms, hopefully well above the threat of the patient’s mortality. The companies manufacturing the vaccine estimated that 5% of the people taking the vaccine will not receive its protection. So out of a population of 52 million people over the age of 65, if they all took the vaccine, that would mean that there would still be about 2.6 million people unprotected; and that would mean that a minimum of between 10,000 and 50,000 of them would die even though they took the vaccine. So reports of thousands of vaccinated people dying after taking the vaccine should be expected. Time will tell if that 5% estimate is accurate.

      • Howdy Julie Bronson. Padraigin Eagle does not even believe there is a virus. You say you do not believe there is a vaccine. Why not call Padraigin Eagle derogatory names too? Or are you saying that you do not believe the virus exists as well? Because if you believe there is a virus, then you should be calling him all kinds of nasty names for disagreeing with you.

    • Repeat after me, ‘There is no virus, it’s a hoax’, and if you so wish, please get in line for the Soylent Green ‘Sol books in’ nightmare vacscheme!

      • Howdy Padraigin Eagle. If this virus is all just a hoax, then 99% of every politician from both parties, 99% of every scientist in every country, and 99% of every doctor treating respiratory illnesses in every hospital in the world – even the ones who disagree with the decision to take the vaccine – are all in cahoots. I’ve heard that there are instances of hospitals asking doctors to amplify the numbers of Covid patients they see, but 100%? It would be the conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories. It would be as realistic as people thinking that a Hollywood movie where human bodies are reprocesses as food, is a documentary. Take a deep breath and put the coffee cup down.

        • Bakshee: Swallow the koolaid and take the jab, halfwit; and a Sars-Cov-2 virus never isolated combined with a PCR test that results in 100% false positives as used by the medikill mafia ain’t a virus to speak of, doos, so get in that line and don’t forget to wear your muzzle, slave. And no doubt booking into that Soylent Green clinic would be a bridge too far for you. However, ‘just follow the signs, bend over, and Michael and Barry will service you with a double-up booster shot jab’.

          • Disjointed writing all over the place. Can you think in a straight line at all? Your animosity filled ad homonyms don’t convince anyone of anything. You are stuck in a Hollywood fantasy film where you think you are the star. What you are is nothing. You know nothing, you say nothing, and you help no one.

          • Typical libtard. Don’t agree with my BS, you automatically go into attack mode. All the numbers for the deaths were faked, all the numbers for the vaccine deaths are faked. You’re a fake. You try to start off all warm and cuddly, someone claims you’re wrong and you go into demtard commie mode. Take your mask off, your brain is deprived of oxygen.

          • Howdy greg. Wait, you read Padraigin’s comments to me? First he tells me to get in line to buy a book noted for its fiction. So I told him to take a deep breath and put the coffee cup down. Next he’s calling me halfwit, slave and telling me to “bend over” – and “I” am the one going into attack mode? You dismiss the Covid data without referencing any of the facts, and have drawn conclusions that are just as erroneous about them as the one you just made about me. Yes, I do start off respectful, and I stay respectful, unless I’m openly insulted. As a matter of fact, I would be happy to discuss the Covid data’s lack of accuracy with you. I guess the first thing I should ask you is whether or not you believe there even is a virus, since that is the position of Padraigin. Because if you believe the virus actually exists, then you will start getting insults from Padraigin also.

          • Baksheet: Add homo nymphs, the tail gunner getting reamed by Michael and Barry, not forgetting fraudFauchi and Lying Larry, now back to your Momma’s basement, doos, and don’t forget to wear your muzzle, slave, as you never know when that non-existent virus might attack you.

  7. Part 3 of 4. As I mentioned in another comment section, Luc Montagnier predicts that this vaccine, issued in the middle of a pandemic, will generate more variants of the virus than would have developed naturally. He also predicts that antibody-dependent enhancement may cause those people who contract the virus after they have been vaccinated to develop more serious symptoms, which would sharply increase the mortality rate of those patients. As you can see in the above graph, there is a new Covid-19 epidemic developing. If the new death rate becomes higher than the November epidemic and lasts longer, then either Luc Montagnier’s argument should be given much more weight, or the efficacy of the vaccines start to deteriorate after six months. If, on the other hand, this new epidemic has a death rate significantly smaller than the November epidemic, then either the vaccine will be showing a significant benefit for those people over 65, or that so many people have already contracted the virus that our population is well into developing herd immunity like those on the Asian and Australian Continents (Turkey to Japan).

      • Howdy Anonymous. Duplicity is a valid tool that medical people use all the time when they have nothing else to offer a patient. And the government does the same thing, only much more often. When masks are not available for the millions of people who are suddenly demanding them, you tell them masks are not necessary. In order to convince a manufacturer to make millions of masks over their normal production levels, you promise them that the government will buy up all the masks that are not purchased by the public. Then, in order to avoid not getting stuck with the bill for the massive order, the government tells the public that they are so necessary, everyone should wear two masks. The same process works for hospital respirators and vaccines. This is all a function of managerial control. Managers can accept all kinds of tragedy, except losing control of their people. When a ship has its side ripped open by an iceberg, or a government collapses and terrorists are moving in to murder thousands of people, the first thing you will hear from management is, “There is no reason to panic, everything is under control”. Personally, I would prefer the truth at all times. It would make believing anything the government tells us a lot easier. So how do you tell when the government gives us instructions that are actually best for us? I’m sorry to say, the average individual can’t. Only personal education and experience rigorously applied to the available information has a chance on detecting the truth. And even then, like in this case, there are actual experts who honestly disagree with each other because there is just too much that is simply unknown. We all will make our decisions in the best way we can. And remember, even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. So who knows, maybe we should all ask our grandmothers what we should do. Darwin will figure out who was right in the end.

          • Howdy Julie Bronson. Look at the data and do the math. When the vaccine was issued and took effect by the last week in January, an average of 3,500 people per day were dying. (3,500 * 222) = 777,000 people would have died over the last 222 days. And that’s a conservative figure because the rate of death was actually increasing. But since then, only 217,000 people have died of the virus. 777,000 – 217,000 = 560,000 people over the age of 50 who are alive today because of the vaccine. The vaccine is estimated to be 95% effective. That means (.05 * 52 million) people over the age of 65 (assuming they all take the vaccine) = 2.6 million people who will not be protected from the virus even after taking the vaccine. That means 10,000 to 50,000 of them will die from the virus – not the vaccine. Will some people die from bad reactions to the vaccine? Yes, absolutely. It could easily be 10,000 people. But since about half a million people over 65 are alive today because of the vaccine after only 222 days, the comparatively small risk of contracting the virus after taking the vaccine, compared to the much larger risk of contracting the virus without the vaccine makes the risk analysis simple. Under the age of 50, there is no significant benefit for taking the vaccine. I do not oversimplify this decision. I realize that there are some very prominent scientists that are very skeptical about the vaccine. I made that clear in my comment. And although I have made my own decision, I have also made it clear that I believe everyone should make up their own mind about the vaccine – however they make that decision.

          • Howdy Julie Bronson. Yes, Julie. Thousands will die because they took the vaccine. I have no doubt about that – you are correct. Just like if everyone in the world this moment consumed 325 mg of Aspirin, thousands of people would die from it. But the data clearly shows that hundreds of thousands of people, just in the US, are alive today because they took the vaccine. Would I advocate everyone taking an Aspirin? No, of course not. There would be no justification for it. The risk of everyone taking an Aspirin would not be worth the benefit they would receive from it. Thousands would die and maybe a few hundred would live a day or two longer. We could have an expanded discussion about trusting the data, and I have seen some incredible cases of falsification – whether by intent or accident (Back at the end of May a few weeks ago, Peru was reporting an average of about 190 people a day dying of the virus. Suddenly on June 2nd, they reported that 115,600 people died on that day. Then they returned to reporting deaths at a slightly higher rate). But simple data analysis can spot abnormalities like that and discard their significance. It was careful data analysis that established that the Asian (Japan to Turkey) and the Australian continents already had herd immunity. Their death rate from the 2020 virus were about one tenth of ours. Let me say again, I do not question your assertion that taking the vaccine has its risks. And if the population under 50 would have avoided taking the vaccine, then there is every reason to believe that there would have been fewer variants of the virus created and our population would be developing herd immunity far faster. But even herd immunity does not protect all of the over 65 population because older people have weaker immune systems. So a smaller subset of older people will always risk death from this virus. The government should not be mandating the vaccine any more than they should mandate taking an Aspirin. It should be an individual’s decision. Let me be clear. Luc Montagnier’s warning carries a great deal of weight with me. And I am looking very carefully for any indication that his fears are developing. If they do, then I will quickly flaunt that data to the world.

  8. Part 4 of 4. I have briefed the readers here on the historical data, and have included the arguments both for and against taking the vaccine. My personal conclusion so far is that everyone over the age of 50 should take the vaccine at the beginning of every new outbreak which will probably be every August here in North America until their blood can accurately be tested for the existence of Covid-19 antibodies, which would mean that the person already has long term immunity from it. Unless the person has a poor immune system, I see no benefit in people under the age of 50 accepting the added risk of taking the vaccine at this time.

      • Howdy Padraigin Eagle. At least you don’t try to impress anyone with a thought process along with your dismissal.

        • Taught process, as in ‘schooled’: Your boyfriend Michael says ‘stop talking to strangers and Barry says don’t talk with you mouth full.

          • Howdy Padraigin Eagle. Nasty denigration. Well, that fits you perfectly. Your text is filled with disjointed writing that your inflated ego thinks is poetry, you obviously have difficulty socializing, and your imaginative fantasy about the virus being a hoax is a perfect demonstration of someone who has a problem with cognitive functions and bizarre delusions. I’m guessing you have files on every conspiracy that has floated to the top during the last 20 years with comparative examples from every sci-fi movie ever made. But wait – you have been told this many times before. Carry on Edward “Teddy” Daniels, and stop listening to those voices that no one else can hear.

          • Bazaar contusions: BacSi, a nasty degenerate indeed, the spawn of Lucifer’s seed, spreading misinformation and disinformation, but what should one expect from a eunuch concubine reading from his master’s creed, and did I mention, wear your muzzle slave, and Michael says ‘ don’t talk with your mouth full, fool’.

          • Just more of the same. You are like listening to a parrot who has learned a few caustic words that it has managed to learn to string together without any comprehension of their meaning or whether or not they can apply to a situation. Amusing at best, but nothing is ever gained by listening to a parrot. Your intent is not ever to educate or enlighten, just to do harm so as to give yourself some sense of fulfilment. I suspect you even know full well what you are, and the concept of getting help has never entered your mind. Please continue with your mindless prattle. I know you can’t help yourself any more than an open sewer can either help itself or want to change.

          • Just more of the in@ne, but then your l o b otomy makes it plain: Wear your muzzle, $lave, and make sure that you’re first in line for the release of the fake ‘Delta strain’ kill shot, one in each eye, a well-deserved boknaai!

          • All you do is parrot mindless hate. Never any attempt to teach or learn. You just live your life trying to hurt as many people as possible. You are missing your calling. You should fake an MD license and go to work in an a b ortion clinic. Grinding up all those f e tuses every day would give you much more satisfaction than just texting hate every day.

          • The soy boy whining on while $ucking on the fraudFauchi con: And about that abortion, your parents greatest regret, conceiving you resulting in the half-wit shrew, who knew, now back to your momma’s basement, there’s more crying to be done as you reflect upon your pathetic non-existence, oh what fun!

          • What you want it is to get me upset. What a laugh. You are incapable of doing that you silly child. You can prattle on and on and nothing you can say will upset me. Seeing how much energy you are putting into it, that must bother you an awful lot. Like being i m potent. This ending to our conversation will make you feel frustrated for years. But please keep trying to upset me. That way I will always know that our conversation still makes you feel frustrated, and I will smile.

          • Wear your muzzle, $lave: Soy boy, Michael says stop shaking, he needs a clear view of the tail gunner shrew, and Barry says ‘enough now, stop whining with your mouth full’.

  9. They’re coming for you. DO NOT GET THE VAX, This is all a test. If you make it, you will live…if you TAKE it you will die.

  10. Australian Truckers are shutting down the country while calling out for all to rise up. 2400 children taken from parents, injected with something. Children dead more dying who were included in this group is proving to be the ‘Straw’.
    All eyes down under people, MSM will be avoiding reporting on this or slanting best they can not wanting exposure to People Power known as ‘WE’.
    God Speed Australia, your in our prayers…

    • From the QUACK AKA Dr. Fauci:
      Why be afraid of a ‘vaccine’ that may or may not be effective and might cause a multitude of various permanently debilitating results up to and in including death? There is only a small chance that many will permanently suffer those effects. Trust me. I know what I am talking about.
      You can take that to the bank.

  11. How much yall want to bet Fauci did not nor will he take that poison vax. No way these shills would take it.

  12. From FNN (Future News Network)

    Date 8/27/2030
    The World vaccination count has finally reached 47 billion as the 15th booster shots have been administered. The CDC has issued an advisory that soon masks will no longer be mandatory.
    Video at 11.

  13. From the Jerusalem Post: “According to Tuesday morning’s Health Ministry data, some 124 people were hospitalized, among them 62 in serious condition. More than 65% of people being treated in the hospital were fully vaccinated and closer to 70% of all serious patients. The numbers changed slightly in the evening.” Has anyone heard this on CNN? Of course, not. Today, from that fount of knowledge known as Google: 10,446 “new cases” in Israel; 7 day average of “new cases” is 8,238. Vaccine? What vaccine?

    • CLAIM: Sixty percent of people being admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 in England have had two doses of coronavirus vaccine.
      AP ASSESSMENT: False. The opposite is true. Sixty percent of people who are hospitalized with COVID-19 in the U.K. are unvaccinated. Sir Patrick Vallance, chief scientific advisor for the U.K., gave the wrong statistic at a press conference Monday but released a correction.
      Yeah, “the opposite is true.” He walked it back to 40%. 40%??? How does this jive with Fauci’s BS that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated?” 99.(whatever)% of (new cases, hospitalizations, deaths, et al) in the US are among the unvaccinated. Sure they are. This is a statistical IMPOSSIBILITY!

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