Lana Del Ray Tells Millions Of Fans To Perform Witchcraft Spell To Kill Trump

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Lana del Ray has urged her millions of young followers to perform a witchcraft spell designed to kill President Trump by giving him a heart attack.

Lana del Ray has urged her millions of young followers to perform a witchcraft spell designed to kill President Trump by giving him a heart attack.

Taking to Twitter on Thursday, Lana del Ray instructed her more than 6 million followers to join a global witches gathering, the goal of which is to cast a binding spell that will remove the President from office by ending his life.

Millions of fans are expected to focus on President Trump’s heart chakra, causing the President to suffer a massive, fatal heart attack, which will bring chaos to his administration and the White House.

The witches movement has listed four dates when witches must perform a bizarre ceremony at home by using a handful of household objects including a pin, an unflattering photo of Trump, a tiny orange candle, a Tower tarot card and bowls of water and salt.

At the completion of the massive worldwide ceremony after midnight on the fourth date (May 23), the witches believe that their magic will have done it’s job and President Trump will suffer the heart failure that will kill him.

As well as millions of private households around the world, witches claim that rituals have also been planned in multiple covens, during which men and women will perform a spell to bind President Trump – and all of his supporters – by delivering a chant and holding an elaborate ceremony.

Daily Mail reports:

This is not an exclusive witches-only event wither, with Wiccans, shamans, Heremeticists, cunning folk, sorcerers and sorceresses, hoodooists, occultists, magicians, Ceremonialists and Ritualists also invited and urged to take part.

The mass binding could not be easier either, with only a handful of household objects needed for the ceremony and the newly composed chant available online for all to see.

President Trump, who has long been a strong and vocal proponent of ‘witch hunts,’ has yet to comment on the planned ritual.

Among the objects required to complete this spell are an unflattering photo of Trump, a tiny orange candle, a Tower tarot card and bowls of water and salt.

There must also be a pin, which is used to carve Trump’s name on the candle.

Once that first step is complete, the aforementioned items should be arranged around the individual in a pleasing position along with a feather, a white candle and an ashtray or dish filled with sand.

At the altar: The purpose of the binding spell is to stop President Trump from doing harm and banish him from office (One person's set-up for Friday night above)
At the altar: The purpose of the binding spell is to stop President Trump from doing harm and banish him from office (One person’s set-up for Friday night above)

From there, a prayer for protection should be said by all participants before they launch into the chant.

Then it is time to launch into the chant, which was allegedly created by a member of a private magical order.

In one refrain, the witches must chant: ‘I call upon you / To bind / Donald J. Trump / So that he may fail utterly / That he may do no harm/To any human soul.’

The second verse tackles a different issues, with the lines: ‘Bind him so that he shall not break our polity / Usurp our liberty / Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair.’

Another individual's altar (above) was set up much differently depite the similar instructions.
Another individual’s altar (above) was set up much differently depite the similar instructions.

President Trump’s supporters are also wrapped into the chant.

Bind them in chains / Bind their tongues / Bind their works / Bind their wickedness,‘ sing the women and men, who at this point are told to take the orange candle and light President Trump’s photo on fire.

To close things out the phrase ‘So mote it be!‘ is repeated three times and the candle blown out.

It is important that while blowing out the person is ‘visualizing Trump blowing apart into dust or ash.’

Witches are then ordered to ground themselves after the ritual before disposing of the candle.

This will be just the first of the monthly rituals too, with one scheduled to take place every Friday of the crescent moon until President Trump is out of office.

And while the Witches’ March may not have the A-list starpower of the Women’s March last month, there is one big name who will be joining in on the magic – Lana del Ray.

The ethereal chanteuse posted a photo on her Twitter account listing the planned dates for the mass binding spell along with where the find the details to participate in the fun from the comfort of your own altar at home.

In a post on Medium, self-described occult enthusiast Casey Evans also pointed out that there was more fun to be had after the ritual, noting: ‘And immediately following the binding, it will be, in any time zone, an Hour of Mars. At 12:04 AM, cusping from the Hour of Saturn just before, both are great for curses, and calling forth the elements and spirits of the Underworld.’

President Trump has yet to comment on the mass binding spell.


Hear me, oh spirits / Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air / Heavenly hosts / Demons of the infernal realms / And spirits of the ancestors 

I call upon youTo bind / Donald J. Trump / So that he may fail utterly / That he may do no harm / To any human soul / Nor any tree / Animal / Rock / Stream / or Sea

Bind him so that he shall not break our polity / Usurp our liberty / Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair / And bind, too, / All those who enable his wickedness / And those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies

I beseech thee, spirits, bind all of them / As with chains of iron / Bind their malicious tongues / Strike down their towers of vanity

(Invert Tower tarot card)

I beseech thee in my name(Say your full name) / In the name of all who walk / Crawl, swim, or fly / Of all the trees, the forests, / Streams, deserts, / Rivers and seas / In the name of Justice / And Liberty / And Love / And Equality / And Peace

Bind them in chains / Bind their tongues / Bind their works / Bind their wickedness 

So mote it be!

So mote it be!

So mote it be!

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.