Leon Brittan Named As Abuser By Alleged Victim On Australian TV

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According to the alleged victim, known as Darren, Leon Brittan was a regular visitor to paedophile parties and 'liked boys to dress in women's underwear'

Leon Brittan

The Westminster paedophile scandal ,which was exposed on Australian TV on Sunday, deepened with new allegations against former Home Secretary Leon Brittan.

During an appearance on the 60 minutes programme, the Tory grandee was named as an abuser by an alleged abuse victim.

The man alleged that, like the late prolific paedophile Cyril Smith, Lord Brittan was a regular visitor to paedophile parties at Dolphin Square in Central London.

Leon Brittan
Dolphin Square in London

The Mail Online reports: ‘The alleged victim, referred to only as Darren, said: ‘He (Lord Brittan) liked boys to dress in women’s underwear and he liked to be alone in the room to punish you for wearing underwear.’

Two other alleged victims also made wide-ranging allegations, including that children were farmed out to abusers like ‘sex toys’.

They repeated claims that serving MPs, peers, spies and even police officers are linked to what has become known as the VIP paedophile ring.

One man, Richard Kerr, said he was trafficked from a Belfast children’s home by a well-organised criminal group.

He said he was forced to have sex with high-ranking politicians, adding: ‘There are some very old Lords who are still there [Westminster].’

Mr Kerr said: ‘I felt afraid to say “no”. As long as I performed well, they said they would take care of me.

‘In London the first place I was taken was Dolphin Square. I was taken in here, told to sit on the bed and take my clothes off. It still hurts, I’ve never forgotten it.’

He added: ‘I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m lucky enough to have survived. Some of the others didn’t.’

Another alleged victim, known as Esther, identified two politicians who were among her abusers in the 1980s.

She claimed the first was a Lord who abused her for up to six years and the second a senior MP who remains in Parliament.

Tory MP Zac Goldsmith, whose Richmond constituency includes a guest house where abuse took place, said the allegations were being taken seriously.

‘I think that’s right,’ he said. ‘I think there is very compelling evidence that very senior people engaged in terrible acts, protected by the Establishment, and I have no doubts about that but the genie is out of the bottle.’’

You can watch all three parts to the 60 Minutes programme HERE


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.