Man Born With Major Heart Defects Refused Heart Transplant Because He Hasn’t Had Covid Jabs

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refused heart transplant

Kyndall West who has been described as a miracle man because he was not expetced to survive following his birth in 1986, has been denied a heart transplant becase he has not had the experimental covid ‘vaccine’.

Born with major heart defects and craniofacial abnormalities, Kyndall was the 31st person in the world born with a genetic mutation, Carpenter’s syndrome which was so severe that doctors thought he would not even live beyond a few minutes… then a few days, then a few years.

He was denied a heart transplant by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Gateway Pundit reports: Nearly forty years later, he has survived seizures and the implantation of a pacemaker and defibrillator. He has survived Covid19. He is a college student and has worked in the ministry. He is an avid golfer, a skilled bowler, a doting uncle, and a devoted church member. He also needs a heart transplant in order to live, but doctors have refused his transplant simply because he refused the poisonous Fauci juice that the mainstream media calls a “vaccine.”

“My body, my choice,” the mantra of abortion industry supporters everywhere, is evidently not applicable for a man who has undergone over sixty surgeries in his lifetime: arguably more medical procedures than Joe Biden has flavors of ice cream in his basement freezer. In fact, Kyndall’s mother, a public school teacher who also would act as his caretaker after the transplant, refused the vaccine and was told by doctors that even in the event of an approved transplant she could not be the caretaker without first accepting the jab. Suddenly, doctors are allowed to tread heavily on the 14th amendment rights of their patients! They forget not only the Hippocratic Oath they almost certainly swore as medical students but their patient’s right to life and liberty as well.

While we are slowly winning the war against Covid tyranny, there are some battles we are still losing. If people like Kyndall perish because they stood up for their beliefs and refused an experimental injection, their blood is on the hands of every single person who did not stand up and shout from the rooftops that the tyranny must stop.

Patrick Henry once passionately noted in his famous speech, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” Will this fateful line come true for every single person on the organ transplant list who will not take the jab? Are their lives less important than those lives big pharma fallaciously promises to save? May Fauci and the Biden administration, with all the guilt-ridden psychosis of Lady Macbeth, forever try to wash their filthy hands of the blood from the millions they have murdered in the name of fear and control, and may those like Kyndall receive the blessing of the medical help they must get, before it’s too late.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.