‘Manspreading’ Is Now Banned In Los Angeles And Subject To Escalating Fines

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If you “manspread” on the subway in Los Angeles, you could be $75 poorer after your ride and eventually banned from using public transport.

If you “manspread” on the subway in Los Angeles, you could be $75 poorer after your ride and eventually banned from using public transport.

Riders who spread their legs a little too much will be fined in accordance with the city’s draconian new “metro manners” rules which have also banned chewing gum.

According to CBS LA, more than 3,000 people have been fined for “metro manners” infractions since the start of the campaign in March. Over 2,000 were ejected for similar offenses.

First time offenders will be socked with a fee of approximately $75 (the exact amount is up to the manners officer’s discretion). Every subsequent offense raises the amount, and after three, four, or five offenses, riders can be temporarily banned from using the subway.

“Manspreading” is a common complaint from female riders who refer to when men sit on a seat with their knees wide apart, often spilling into the adjacent seat and discomforting those seated next to them.

DailyCaller report: Other cities including New York, Boston, and Chicago have campaigns to stop men from “manspreading,” following complaints from feminists who allege that the behavior originates from “toxic masculinity” that “entitles” men to take more space than they deserve. 

The issue entered the public limelight after BuzzFeed conducted a “social experiment” to see what it was like to manspread on trains. It was roundly mocked.

These cities have limited their campaigns to billboard advertisements, making Los Angeles the first city to actually fine men for doing it. Riders who commit these infractions are fined $75 for their first offense—a number that goes up subsequent times. After three, four, or five offenses, they may have their transit cards temporarily suspended for up to 3 months. 

As the Daily Wire notes, it is possible to buy temporary passes to board the metro, so it’s unknown how they plan to enforce the ban.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.