Liberal Media Fooled By 4Chan ‘Trump Dossier’ Hoax

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

January 10 will forever be remembered as the day the mainstream media lost their last remaining shreds of reliability.

Liberal media trolled by 4chan with fake Russian Trump 'intelligence' report hoax

Mainstream media were exposed spreading the fakest of fake news yesterday after walking straight into a trap set for them by members of the 4chan forum.

CNN and BuzzFeed broke the supposed “news” that a 35-page “leaked” dossier proved Trump was supported by the Kremlin for the past 5 years as well as claiming the Russians had compromising personal and financial information on the president-elect.

CNN hyped this story to the max all night, deploying Jake Tapper and their heaviest hitters to explain in great detail how a British intelligence agent with close ties to Russia was behind the leak.

But CNN ended the night in a state of humiliation after it was revealed the source of the dossier was not a mysterious British intelligence agent, but rather a hoaxer from the 4chan community.

4chan users were quick to provide links and screenshots to prove that CNN and BuzzFeed were guilty of blowing up the fakest of fake news stories.

Here is 4chan’s explanation of how the “Trump dossier” came into the world:

4chan trump hoax

ZeroHedge report:

On January 10, Buzzfeed posted a story under the byline of Ken Bensinger, Mark Schoofs and Miriam elder titled “these reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia” and posted a link to a document alleging, among other things, that Russia has been cultivating Trump for 5+ years, that Trump has been in constant contact with the Kremlin for information on his opponents, and perhaps most inflammatory, that there are many recorded instances of blackmail of trump in sexual misconduct. A prominent claim is that Trump rented the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow, where he knew that the Obamas had slept; he then hired a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden shower’ (pissplay) on the bed and in the room.

Noted #nevertrump voice Rick Wilson later commented on twitter, stating that the report “gave a new meaning to Wikileaks”.

and that the report was the reason everybody was fighting so hard against the election of Trump.

The remarkable thing? It’s all fake. And not only fake; it’s a prank perpetuated by 4chan, on Rick Wilson himself. A post on 4chan on october 26 stated “mfw managed to convince CTR and certain (((journalists))) on Twitter there’ll be an October surprise on Trump this Friday” along with a picture of a smug face with a hash name.

On November 1, a person without a picture but who is assumed to be the same person, posted “So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added a Russian spy angle to it. They still believe it. Guys, they’re truly fucking desperate – there’s no remaining Trump scandal that’s credible.”

On January 10, moments after the story broke and began to gain traction on social media, a person with the same smug grin face, and the same hash title for the picture, stated “I didn’t think they’d take it so far.”

This story has taken on something of a life of it’s own. Going through Rick Wilson’s Twitter, you can find many different stories from the time that he had shown the story to a wide number of anti-Trump news sources, trying to find a news organization that would actually publish the story.

During that time period, he referred to it often as ‘the thing’, and often playing coy with followers on the content with the story with anybody who was not also a #Nevertrumper. Unconfirmed sources have people as high up as John McCain giving the story to FBI Director James Comey to attempt to verify the story. Given that Rick Wilson runs in Establishment circles, it is not an impossible scenario that long-serving Senators are falling for what amounts to a 4chan troll Trump supporter creating an ironic October Surprise out of wholecloth to punk a GOP pundit who derogatorily referred to them as “single men who masturbate to anime.”

While this entire incident is laughable, and even more so if the 4Chan account is accurate, what makes it quite tragic, is that it is no longer possible to dismiss the “fake news” angle to an intelligence report. And if the CIA is compromised, what is left for “news outlets” like CNN and BuzzFeed, which were all too eager to run with the story without any attempt at verification?

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.