Mainstream Media Banned From Reporting On German Court’s MMR Vaccine Ruling

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Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed in a recent ruling that the measles virus " does not exist."

Judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed in a recent ruling that the measles virus “does not exist.”

The shock ruling came after biologist and vaccine skeptic Dr. Stefan Lanka bet €100,000 that nobody could provide scientific proof that the measles virus is a real virus.

Mainstream media in the U.S. reported on the case, misinforming their audience that Dr. Lanka’s position had been proved wrong and he had been ordered to pay €100,000.

Considering the fact mainstream media in the U.S. is heavily bankrolled by Big Pharma, their rush to produce articles condemning Dr. Lanka as a “sloppy and disreputable publicity seeker” and a “crank” is par for the course.

As the LA Times gleefully reported:

The challenge was taken up by David Bardens, a German doctor who compiled evidence from medical journals proving the disease’s viral cause. When Lanka rejected the evidence, Bardens sued. Last week a German court found Bardens’ evidence persuasive and ordered Lanka to pay.

But the story didn’t end there. Dr. Lanka took the case to a highest court in Germany and the top judges in the country reviewed the case. Their verdict? There was no scientific evidence that proved the measles virus actually exists.

It turned out that the “proof” provided was a composite of several different electron microscope images. And the composite involved different components of damaged cells. The composite could not be duplicated. The German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus.

Did mainstream media update their audience with the new information that Dr. Lanka had been vindicated by the highest court in the land? Of course not. Big Pharma wouldn’t allow them to broadcast or publish that kind of inflammatory truth.

Writing about the landmark ruling, Dr Lanka explained his scientific position: “In the trial, the results of research into so-called genetic fingerprints of alleged measles virus have been introduced. Two recognized laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, arrived at exactly the same results independently.The results prove that the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today: They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as part of the suspected measles virus.

“Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved.”

Dr. Lanka also explained that his findings may explain why the measles vaccine causes frequent and more severe allergies and autoimmune reactions than other vaccinations.

Upon enquiries which had been triggered by the measles virus contest, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This admission may explain the increased rate of vaccination-induced disabilities, namely of vaccination against measles, and why and how specifically this kind of vaccination seems to increasingly trigger autism.

“Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the “measles virus” contains typical cell’s natural components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cell). Since the vaccination against measles contains whole “whole measles virus”, this vaccine contains cell’s own structures. This explains why vaccination against measles causes frequent and more severe allergies and autoimmune reactions than other types of vaccination. The court expert Prof. Podbielski stated on several occasions that by the assertion of the RKI with regard to ribosomes in the measles virus, the thesis of existence of measles virus has been falsified.

“In the trial it was also put on record that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infectious diseases, the RKI, contrary to its legal remit as per § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG), has failed to create tests for alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on measles virus, however refuses to hand over or publish the results.”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.