Outrage After Twitter Allows Sponsored Post Promoting Female Genital Mutilation

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Twitter violates its own policies

Twitter has violated its own policies and has been forced to remove a sponsored tweet from a Muslim women’s group justifying the “circumcision” of girls

Twitter users were outraged after the tweet promoting female genital mutilation (FGM) on children was viewed more than 30,000 times.

Despite FGM being illegal in the UK, the group paid Twitter to ‘promote’ their tweet, so it showed up on the timelines of users who didn’t even follow their account.

Sputnik news reports: The video posted on Twitter and sponsored by the Shia group Dawoodi Bohra Women for Religious Freedom promoted so-called female “circumcision,” or “khafiz,” on girls, triggering a wave of discontent against the social media network’s management.

The sponsored post was viewed 30,000 times, including by  users who didn’t follow the group’s accounts. One of the DBWRF members said: “My daughters have also undergone khafiz, and they’re growing up as perfectly as other children of their age. As a mother, I can never do anything to harm them.”
The group argued on their website that this shouldn’t be confused with  female genital mutilation (FGM).
However, the post enraged many users, who pointed out that khafiz is indeed mutilation.

Many addressed the Twitter safety watchdog, insisting such publications shouldn’t be promoted or posted at all.

Following the uproar, Twitter canceled the promoted publication.

“This was a promoted tweet and was removed for violation of our policies,” its spokesman commented. However, the social media management let the original post stay on the DBWRF account.

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.