Samsung Launches Website That Can ‘Erase Your Memory’ In 23 Minutes

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Samsung has worked with hypnotists to create a function on their website that involves hypnotizing members of the public and erases memory.

Samsung has worked with hypnotists to create a disturbing new function on their website that involves hypnotizing members of the public and totally erases memories.

Samsung’s website includes a bizarre feature called “Unspoil Me” – a 23-minute hypnosis session comprised of swirling patterns, mesmerizing music and a hypnotherapist controlling your mind. The aim is to get your brain to forget your favorite TV show in order for you to watch it again – as if it was the first time.

No, this is not a joke. The firm actually seems pretty serious about this. The session was created by certified hypnotists Ulf Sandström and Fredrik Praesto. Before starting, the site asks participants to consent to some terms and conditions including the following:

3. Before starting the experience I guarantee that I’m over 18 years old, fully mentally healthy and not suffering from any neurological problems or epilepsy. If not, I guarantee that I will contact a doctor before I take part of the experience. If I suffer from abnormally low blood pressure, I will also consult with a doctor before taking part of the experience.

4. I am aware that the experience (self hypnosis) could have real effects and I am prepared to forget the whole, or parts of my favorite TV series.

5. I ensure my sole purpose of using Unspoil Me is for its intended purpose, and I will therefore only think about a film clip or a tv-series which I will have the possibility to forget.

The tool also requires participants to put on headphones, to isolate themselves in a tranquil place and to watch the entire thing without interruption. It also recommends a night’s sleep before re-watching the “erased” TV show.

Samsung are not joking around about this.

Hypnosis Session

Vigilant Citizen reports: When the session begins, hypnotic patterns swirl on screen as the hypnotist introduces himself. The vibe is very creepy and the fact that the guy sounds like a James Bond villain does NOT help. Then, the music starts and the hypnotist asks the listener to focus on the swirling pattern.

Then, one must count backward from 300 as the hypnotist keeps repeating about going to a “deeper place”. At one point, one must envision a set of 10 stairs going down to an even “deeper place”. The hypnotist then asks the participant to walk down the stairs as he tells a story about an emperor and a mathematician. There’s lots neuro-linguistic programming going on there.

Then, the listener is asked to envision a linear timeline and to think about when the TV show was first watched. The hypnotist instructs the listener to “float” to a point on the timeline before the TV show happened. Once this is done, the listener is told to fly back, at super-speed, to the “now”.

In the end, the hypnotist claims that the show will become a “small fuzzy image” in the subject’s mind. He also adds that, during the next night’s sleep, one of the listener’s dreams will “install” everything that was done during the session.

Stop Being Creepy

Nowadays, Samsung and major tech companies are not satisfied with selling products to customers. They need to be able to spy on them, to collect their data and, if possible, to control their minds and thoughts. While this hypnosis site might be a bizarre marketing ploy to sell TVs, it nevertheless reflects the mindstate of these tech giants.

One needs to be very trusting to subject themselves to a corporate-sponsored hypnosis session. Who knows what other messages might be embedded in there? But the Samsung creepiness doesn’t stop here.

In real life, electroshock therapy is used to erase “bad memories” from subjects’ minds in order to treat depression and PTSD. In darker circles, hypnosis and electroshock are used to erase, distort and to re-create the memories of victims who underwent severe trauma – an important step of mind control.

Considering this fact, the name of the hypnosis site – Unspoil Me – is rather disturbing. Yes, it alludes to the fact that it “erases” TV show spoilers. But it also alludes to the dark truth of memory erasing techniques: It is about “unspoiling” the minds of those who were “spoiled” by crimes, trauma, and abuse.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.