WikiLeaks: DOJ’s Peter Kadzik Colluding With Clinton Campaign

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WikiLeaks: DOJ's Peter Kadzik Colluding With Clinton Campaign

Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik fed information to his friend John Podesta while helping the FBI in the congressional investigation of Hillary Clinton, according to newly leaked emails from WikiLeaks.

With just days to go before the U.S. presidential elections, WikiLeaks released batch number 26 of the #PodestaEmails.

Sputnik reports:

WikiLeaks is on number 26 of the Podesta files, a bunch of emails associated with Hillary Clinton’s chief adviser, John Podesta, revealing details of conversations with political journalists, lawyers, spin doctors and scaremongerers- and Podesta 26 is no different.

‘Heads Up’

Included in the latest tranche released by WikiLeaks, is the revelation that the Assistant Attorney General gave John Podesta the heads up that Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI.

On Tuesday 19 May, 2015, Peter Kadzik sent an email to John Podesta with the less that subtle subject “Heads up.”

Assistant attorney general, Peter Kadzik is with the US Department of Justice and is helping lead the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of her private email server.

“There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails,” Kadzik writes.


In another email dating back to August, 2015, Clinton aide Heather Samuelson, the person tasked with going through all of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as secretary of state, asked the simple question: “would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?”

“Even if Clinton’s emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release,” Samuelson writes.

peter kadzik

A year later and the FBI is re-investigating the use of a separate Internet server by former secretary of state and US Democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.


Included in the latest batch of the Podesta 26 files, an email from Jim Tozzi — former regulatory official of the US Office of Management and Budget, now head of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness — addressed to Podesta, reads:

“All Italian Americans who serve in the government should be taught the meaning of the term *silenzio* before they put pen to paper.”
peter kadzik

And in what appears to be a lapsed memory moment — at worse — a security issue, one email has John Podesta asking:

“What’s my Georgetown password these days?”

He was given the answer: “Same as the old one but with 2@ instead of 1!


Another of John Podesta’s personal emails includes a rather mysterious message about the potential appointment of a woman called “Shelley.”

Former state department chief of staff Cheryl Mills, told John Podesta, political lawyer Marc Elias and campaign strategist Robby Mook, “I met with Shelly and was quite impressed.”

“I suggest we move forward with having her serve as a consultant to the campaign….Obviously we will need to work out the $, but any objection/concerns?” Cheryl Mills asks.

‘Biggest Scandal Since Watergate’

But back to what’s happening on the ground and on the streets in Florida, where Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump has just told a rally in Miami about the latest Podesta leak.

Trump told a Florida crowd about Peter Kadzik’s feeding of information, regarding the investigation into the Clinton campaign, to John Podesta, who then forwarded the emails to his staff.

Wearing a white baseball cap, Trump called the Podesta leaks “the biggest scandal since Watergate.”

Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
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