Woman Who Survived Hitler’s Germany Tells Vaccine Pushers They Remind Her of Nazis

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Renowned composer and Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya has given entitled liberals a major reality check by telling them that vaccine pushing liberals are the brainwashed extremist group that most closely resemble the Nazis she grew up with.

Zhvanetskaya, a Ukrainian woman who lives in Germany, is reportedly in hiding with friends after efforts by German authorities to send her to a psychiatric institution where forced Covid vaccines would be administered.

Authorities are prepared to hold  Zhvanetskaya in the facility for a year and forcefully administer the jab.

Zhvanetskaya posted a video on Rumble which describes her situation:

”The Ukrainian-born Jewish composer Inna Zhvanetskaya was sentenced by a German court to one year in a closed psychiatric ward and two forced corona vaccinations. The musician, who is famous in her homeland, is afraid for her life, afraid of losing everything that is important to her.

Your German is sufficient to deal with everyday life – but not to defend yourself against a judicial order of this scope. She is desperate and fears she will die in a strange environment without her music within a very short time.”

However, according to several reports, she has been transferred to a safe place by friendly activists who wanted to prevent her arrest.

LifeSite News reports: The 85-year-old Zhvanetskaya sent a video message to Report24 saying that “music is my life, and if they take away music from me then they take my life.”

Report24 also received a copy of the court order, which authorizes her forceful transfer to a psychiatric institution and for her to be forcefully injected with the COVID-19 shots “for her own good.”

The court order was officially appointed by her professional guardian, which seems somewhat contradictory given that the German national federation of professional guardians is strictly against forced vaccinations of patients against their wishes, according to statements made on their website.

The court order claims that Zhvanetskaya has been diagnosed with several mental illnesses, including dementia, delusional disorder, narcissistic “grandeur self-image,” egocentrism and logorrhea. She also allegedly suffers from severe obesity and heart disease.

However, many of these diagnoses were called into question by critics after the story made the rounds in alternative media circles. Report24 journalist Will Huber pointed out that Zhvanetskaya does not appear to be extremely overweight in the video she sent, which seems to contradict the claim that she is severely obese.

Mascha Orel, co-founder of a humanitarian organization for holocaust survivors, reportedly spoke with Zhvanetskaya and said she cannot confirm any of the diagnoses that were alleged in the court order.

“I talked to her on the phone for an hour,” Orel said, according to a report by TKP. “She is vulnerable, frightened, and has lived in this state for about two years, as her legal guardian has apparently tried to institutionalize her several times.”

“She drew an unequivocal comparison: ‘It’s like when Dad was at the front and Mom had to flee with me and my brother.’”

A lawyer and expert for medical law Beate Bahner stated on Telegram, “This decision is a gigantic judicial scandal!! Immediately enforceable! The composer is to be picked up tomorrow. Then she will be vaccinated tomorrow at noon and will probably be sedated with medication. I am shocked! A legal guardian has already lodged a complaint. However, this does not prevent the judiciary and police from immediately implementing this scandalous decision. This case needs to go public and the press! Everyone needs to get active!”

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 6184 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.