Chemtrails used for corporate profits, weapons and depopulation agendas

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

From Natural News (source):  On the surface, weather control (manipulation) appears to be a good idea – except for one thing – it’s really quite deadly! Why would anyone (in their right mind) think that spraying toxic chemicals (chemtrails) – into our atmosphere – is a good idea? So, the question remains, why do you think “chemtrails” and other geoengineering projects exist today? (Hint: control and profit)

Find out “Why in the World are They Spraying” with one of the leading chemtrail experts and filmmaker Michael Murphy on the next – LIVE – NaturalNews Talk Hour. This program promises to be one of the most important (health) shows of the year.

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The hidden agenda behind chemtrails and other geoengineering programs


What do record snowfalls in Japan; severe droughts in Texas and violent tornadoes have in common? Well, did you know that these extreme weather conditions are sold as derivatives on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange? Imagine the value of knowing (in advance) that a severe storm was eminent and you could bet on it for profit. Do you think there is incentive to control the weather without regard for human life? (It’s all true – look it up yourself)

Now, let’s take a look at how the military is using weather control techniques as a weapon in warfare. Back in 1967, the United States military ran “Operation Popeye” – a “cloud seeding” program during the Vietnam War which extended the monsoon season over Laos. The rainfall was so heavy over 30 – 45 days that truck traffic was impaired – giving the U.S. military an advantage over the enemy.


Weather modification programs are killing life on planet earth

There is no denying that our current weather patterns have become more extreme and (often times) deadly. But, here’s the real shocking news, government agencies have been secretly manipulating the weather for decades and, worse yet, without our permission. State run propaganda machines would have us believe that toxic chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere are designed to save us from global warming. But, the truth is, chemtrails actually cause global warming by preventing the earth from naturally cooling itself – at night.


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Royce Christyn
About Royce Christyn 3440 Articles
Documentarian, Writer, Producer, Director, Author.