London Road ‘Black Boy Lane’ Renamed After Fallout From Black Lives Matter Protests

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
Black boy lane

A road in North London has been renamed because it was deemed “racist,” despite the change being opposed by nearly all the black residents who lived there.

Some of the residents have refused to acknowledge the change and have put up Black Boy Lane road signs on their homes in protest….meanwhile the new name has already been crossed out with paint.

The Tottenham road is now called La Rose Lane after the black poet, publisher and activist John La Rose. The change has cost the taxpayer a mere £186,000.

Oddly, the old name still remains on the sign as it notes that the road was formerly known as Black Boy Lane. This surely begs the question of how offensive the original name really was….

The Telegraph reports: After more than two years of reviews, deliberations and three consultations, a residential street sign has been removed and a new one put in its place. No longer will Black Boy Lane be tarnished by what Haringey council calls the name’s “racist connotations”; it will now be called La Rose Lane, after the black activist, publisher, poet and essayist.

The total cost of this process, which I assume includes the cost of replacing the physical signs, the hours spent on the consultation process, the two in-person and one online ‘engagement sessions’ that managed a total of one attendee between them – who opposed the change – and the proposed £300 compensation to each household and business on the street, is estimated at an eye-watering £180,000.

Of course, the idea to do away with Black Boy Lane wasn’t solely the brainchild of a few Left-wing councillors. No, in the words of the Council, the “catalyst” for the review was the establishment of the Mayor of London’s sinister-sounding Commission on Diversity in the Public Realm, which was, naturally, prompted by the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the subsequent rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. 

The Council papers themselves warned that “Not going ahead with the renaming at this point would not capitalise on the momentum created by the Black Lives Matter movement…, prompting questions: ‘if not now, then when?’”

The irony is that so very few of those actually living on the street were even interested in the consultation; of the 36 residents or business owners on Black Boy Lane who responded to the consultation, the overwhelming majority (81%) were against the change, including all three of the Black African/ Caribbean respondents

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 14904 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.


  1. La Rose Lane is about whore of Rev 17. Their Goddess. This Goddess is destroying the Male. Black BOY aka Male is REMOVED and replaced with ROSE witch is the Goddess, Venus, Isis, Mary. The Goddess with 10.000 names. N15 is 1415 because N = 14. The meaning of 1415 is strong, mighty, powerful. The Goddess is strong, mighty, powerful.

    N15 – 1415
    dunatos: strong, mighty, powerful
    Original Word: δυνατός, ή, όν
    Part of Speech: Adjective
    Transliteration: dunatos
    Phonetic Spelling: (doo-nat-os’)
    Definition: strong, mighty, powerful

  2. Jewish Nazism is so boring – and racist!
    The Nazis say they’re helping the “Schwarzers”
    but the Nazis HATE Schwarzers and they wouldn’t pee on them
    if they were on fire!
    Jewish Nazism is only about exterminating us Humans (White Christians)!

    • Jeg er tvunget til å skrive på flere språk fordi: 1. De fleste i USA har blitt hjernevasket til å tro at jødene er deres redning; og 2., engelsken deres er dritt og de kan ikke være stille lenge nok til å høre eller se hva som åpenbart skjer rundt dem.

      Jødisk messianisme har spredt sitt giftige budskap blant oss i nesten to tusen år. Demokratiske og kommunistiske universalisme er nyere, men de har bare kommet for å forsterke den gamle jødiske fortellingen. Dette er de samme idealene.

      De transnasjonale, transrasiale, transseksuelle, transkulturelle idealene som disse ideologiene forkynner for oss (utover folkeslag, rase, kultur) og er den daglige næring i skolene våre, i våre media, i vår populærkultur, hos universitetene og på gatene våre, har vår biosymbolske identitet og vår etniske stolthet redusert til sitt minimale uttrykk.

      Ingen land kjører sitt eget løp i denne invasjonen fordi det hele er en politisk agenda ledet av FN og presset frem av jødene og deres marionetter (politikere). De fleste vil bare ikke vite eller forstå at dette er en politisk agenda. Noen klarer imidlertid å forstå at politikerne bevisst jobber med å importere muslimer og erstatte folket, men det er omtrent det, de er som en datamaskin som ikke kan fortsette fordi programmet ikke tillater det.

  3. They should have gone with “Sheeeeeet Street” or “Digger World Walk” or “Monkey Mile”. But ” “La Rose Lane” SMDH.

  4. “The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus, it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.” ― Mein Kampf

  5. And the white house will have to changed too. They’re really proving exactly what idiots they really are Because they can rub the world’s moses in it.

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