As long as this police chief stays, paedophiles and sex abusers will get away with it, writes Simon Danczuk Labour MP for Rochdale

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For far too long, sexual abuse has been a voiceless crime. Victims suffered in silence because they had no confidence in the authorities and didn’t think anyone would believe them.

Thankfully we’re now seeing this crime dragged out of the shadows, victims are feeling empowered to come forward and justice is being delivered.

In my constituency of Rochdale I’ve seen first-hand the damage it does. We’ve had a major grooming scandal and the evil legacy of Cyril Smith to contend with.

Children have been raped and lives have been ruined. Slowly but surely the law is beginning to catch up with abusers.

However, I’m convinced some abusers are continuing to get away with it because the pace of change is being held up by one major obstacle: The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, Sir Peter Fahy.

Sir Peter is well known for his liberal approach. After the 2011 riots left a trail of ruin in Manchester and Salford, he famously said we shouldn’t concentrate on where the riots were, but on where things were going well.’

Continue Reading this article by Simon Danczuk:  The Mail On Sunday

Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15205 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.