Assange Warns Of Deep State Plot To Overthrow Trump & Install Mike Pence As President

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims that the ongoing deep state coup against Donald Trump is an operation by establishment forces to unseat and replace him with Vice President Mike Pence.

In  a tweet on Thursday Assange said that Trump’s political capital had “been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc.”

The Free Though Project reports:

Essentially, Assange is saying is that the aforementioned stakeholders who want to see Trump gone have played a long-game, whereby they have worked “to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.”

This, of course, was done as means of severing Trump from his political base, which largely opposes CIA interventionism, Zionism, and globalist banking cartels. The idea behind it being that when Mueller moves to recommend impeachment, Trump will have strayed so far from the positions that got him elected that there will be a minimal public outcry in his defense.

This follows chatter earlier this year that some saw Mike Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy.”

In fact, Wikileaks’ Assange, tweeted back in March, that there was a plan afoot by Hillary Clinton and her loyalists within the Intelligence Community to force a “Pence takeover.”

As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed back in March:

“Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment.”

Assange’s position about the Pence coup has been acknowledged by independent journalist, Mike Cernovich, who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, and has previously said that inside sources have confirmed that Pence is working to remove Trump in a deep state coup.

Back in August, Cernovich reported having inside information from White Houses sources that claimed Pence was working behind the scenes to count Republican votes in Congress for a possible impeachment vote to remove Trump. T

Rumors of an internal coup began during the election campaign when it was reported that Pence began plotting a coup after a tape of Trump boasting about groping women was made public.

The tape’s release, one month before the election, caused dissent among senior Republicans and led to several withdrawing their endorsements and calling for Trump to withdraw as the party’s presidential candidate.

Pence, known as a deeply religious man, was said to be “beside himself” over Trump’s comments on the tape. Pence’s wife Karen was reportedly disgusted and called Trump “reprehensible—just totally vile,” according to the Atlantic.


Niamh Harris
About Niamh Harris 15206 Articles
I am an alternative health practitioner interested in helping others reach their maximum potential.