Australian Schools Told To Stop Calling Kids ‘Boys & Girls’

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Australian teachers told to stop calling kids boys. and girls as part of new woke guidelines

Teachers in Australia have been ordered to push a far-left ‘woke’ agenda onto their students and stop calling children “boys and girls” in order to make the classroom more gender neutral.

According to new education guidelines, teachers must use terms such as “other” and avoid referring to things as “normal” to be more inclusive to minorities.

The policies call on school staff to push fears about the “climate change emergency” onto kids along with promoting “superdiversity.” reports: One chapter in the book, edited by academics from Monash University, encourages teachers ‘to commit to telling the truth about the reality of climate breakdown’.

‘An associated policy should be used to bring the school community together, drawing on the energy, ideas, and capacities of the school community, even though the policy is likely to be demanding and far-reaching,’ the book reads.

The book – Building Better Schools with Evidence Based Policy – also tells teachers they can promote inclusion in the classroom if they ‘actively embrace diversity’.

The term ‘English as a second language’ meanwhile should be replaced by the phrase ’emergent – bilingual’ to give students who speak multiple languages more confidence. 

‘Boys and girls’ should also be removed from common usage in schools, the book suggests. 

Defending his chapter on climate, academic author Alan Reid said teachers should encourage students to debate the concepts he raises.

‘A school can also listen and challenge particular viewpoints, and make clear what stays at the school gate, so to speak, given what the social contract on education is,’ he told The Daily Telegraph.

Sydney radio broadcaster Kel Richards said trying to remove the word ‘normal’ from classroom usage was certain to fail.

‘Whatever they do in the classroom, whatever they say, whatever report comes out, the word ‘normal’ will still be there and we’ll still have a use for it,’ he said.

The revelation comes just weeks after it emerged schools in Melbourne were being urged to use gender neutral pronouns and scrap ‘mum and dad’ in favour of ‘parent’ as part of a campaign to improve inclusivity for LGBTQI+ students.

Unisex bathrooms, non-gendered sporting teams and the flying of rainbow flags to are also recommended to improve inclusivity.

Some schools are even being encouraged to stop teachers and pupils from using words including mum, dad and boyfriend in a controversial bid to banish gendered words.

Instead, ‘parent’ and ‘partner’ is preferred.


  1. Why is it so important for adults to make children aware of the different places to put your sex organs? These adults should be called out and arrested. There is no good reason to bring a child to a gay parade. The only reason is a bad reason to groom a child for sex. This is totally outrageous that this is allowed.

  2. Less than 1% of the population demands that the rest of us bow to their deviance and accommodate their sickening perversions. Why are they consumed with sexual identity? Can you say psychological disorder?

    • Yes its inter2sting And is females they hate or males or homosexuals Do they ultimately want all gay couples to a butch and a bitch ? So will the passive partner all gave to undergo sex reassignment ,with option to keep penis testes like Michael or caitlyn ,or for lesbians to maintain vagina ,but otherwise to look ” normal ” ??Its really weird Or do they just want women doing mens work too ? Or so they just HATE Creation and nature? Do they hate everything God Created and want to destroy it all and replace it with their scientific recreation ? Or are they playing ” levels ” on a needs to ibiw basis as they manipulate a d de eive to achieve the ultimate rejection of Adam and Eve ?

  3. Who is doing the ordering and who is rewriting the education guidelines?

    The rotten apple will spoil the barrel if not excised soon.

    • Good Morning. Enjoy the new Day as a Great Gift. Peace and Joy. The best for You and Your Family.

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