CERN Physicist: We Have Done Something Evil & It Is Being Hidden

Fact checked
CERN portal

If the following report is to be believed, a physicist from CERN named Dr. Edward Mantill, a specialist in particle and subatomic research who studies “very very small” particle interaction, was involved in an incident at CERN on January 15, 2014 that may have secretly changed reality as we know it.

Many people are divided on the authenticity of this account as its origins are in dispute. Regardless, we are presenting it here for you to form your own opinion.

Dr. Mantill’s report states:

Most of you who have heard of CERN will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries (Switzerland, France). The public has been told that it was constructed at a cost of tens of billions of Euros for the purpose of studying the birth of the universe and the collisions that take place within the collider allow us a quick glimpse at certain phenomenon that can only be witnessed when particles hit one another at incredibly high rates. This is NOT what the machine was designed for, nor is it what the machine has been used for since it’s inception. CERN’s main purpose for building the Collider was too, well it was to open a door way. Allow me to explain: the doorway idea came into fruition in the 1960s.

After years and years of attempting to hide UFO phenomenon, including large scale and very public interactions such as the Roswell incident, and the Battle for Los Angeles incident well before that, the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France decided to throw their weight behind the understanding of what precisely these objects were. The ideas flew far and wide. Were UFOs from another planet? Were they from another time? Or where they simply mass hysteria and mass delusion fueled by the overactive imagination of a public who were shit scared of communists and their technology? No, they were none of those. Our universe is but one page in a large book. Think of a closed book sitting on a table: you see each page stacked on top of one another, bound by the spine and sandwiched between the two covers. Our universe is but one page in a vast and all-encompassing book. And our page is certainly not the only one with rich, in depth thought and writing committed to it. Every page in the book represents a different dimension each with it’s own unique writing, own unique story, own unique way of isolating itself from the other pages. No page was to interact with the other, just as no ink bleeds from one page to another in a standard book. Each page, a universe unto itself.

Within a few short years of mathematical research and fleets of scientists working under threat of extermination should they share their research, the book idea was finally cemented. Though many disagreed, the mathematics were there to support the book idea, and the mathematics also showed us that it was impossible for one page to interact with another. That was, until the 1980s. During the 1980s billions of dollars of research was funnelled into the idea that if we used enough energy, if we used enough force, concentrated into a small area (the size of a pin prick) we could theoretically tare our page and get a glimpse of the page next to ours. We could open a door from their universe to ours. When the Family (the code name for the group of scientists that functioned as the head of each of their departments at CERN) were shown the initial presentation in March of 1981, many of them expressed grave concern about the ramifications of opening such a doorway. But in the beautiful name of science, the Family decided to share these ideas with the governments who constantly funded their research. At a meeting held in Luxembourg, the heads of state of the newly forming European Union, along with the United States and China were shown plans for the construction of a colossal machine that would enable the opening of a doorway that could be closed at our discretion. The door would be opened, and the energy levels would be measure to prove that CERN had accomplished its task, and the door would be closed. Open. Shut. Simple as that.

The government leaders threw endless funding at the Family and the rest of CERN in the hopes of understanding what kind of power lay in another universe. Think of the possible endless source of Energy, faster than light travel, weaponry that could obliterate enemies using laser. The possibilities for power were truly staggering. So, the public was fed one narrative (“understanding the universe”) and the Family and governments knew the truth. Most of the scientists at CERN were kept completely in the dark, after all the collider would perform it’s function as normal and collide particles for eager funding hunters to capitalize on. But the far more nefarious purpose would only be tested in the presence of the Family and a few select scientists. I am the member of the Family for my division. Obviously the original Family have all retired or died out, but there is a new, younger, more eager to prove themselves group now at the helm, and the consequences of this were and are dire. So, with that established, allow me to explain what happened last thursday. It was an ordinary day with the LHC scheduled to commit two collisions, one at 9am and the other at 630PM. Both went off magnificently and the experiments were deemed a success. We witnessed two full collisions and the general group of researchers were very happy with their work.

Around 7 pm, most of the team had filtered out of the observation room, and the machine had been put into it’s usual stand-by mode. As the room emptied, the ID clip that I had on my waist, which had a built in display and vibrator, started to go off. I looked down at the display and it said in very faint green writing “Living room,” I knew right away what they were going to attempt. I looked up from the badge and caught the eye of Dr. Celine D’Accord, another member of the Family and the head of plasma physics. She too had just looked up from her ID badge. We both understood and left. “Living room,” was a large room under the main facility located in A-section. The room wasn’t special in any way and appeared completely normal. This was key to hiding our true intentions. If we met in a secret underground bunker instead of the regular basement, we’d arouse suspicion every time we were going to run an experiment. As Celine and I made our way from the collider to section A, the cold Swiss air hit my face and burned as we booked it across the campus. The night was exceptionally clear, and this factor further bolstered my suspicion. They always liked doing these experiments on clear nights. We entered Section A and made our way to the main building. The doors opened up as we approached and we made our way to the elevators across the wide expanse of a lobby with the vaulted ceilings.

The RFID signal given off by our name badges caused the elevator doors to open before we had even pressed the button. As we stepped in, the doors shut and the elevator began to move. “I’ll never get used to that,” Celine said, referring to the degree of automation that the buildings displayed. We had been scheduled for a meeting in the Living Room, and the building knew, so all strategic lights were on, and elevators were reading where we needed to go. The miracle of networking. We exited the lift and made our way to the regular board room, the door was shut and assembled inside was the Family. At the head of the table was Father, a young, rather ambitious physicist named Sandra O’Reilly, designated, “Father,” since she was in charge of giving orders to the Family with respect to our clandestine experiments. The mood in the living Room was never tense, but rather one of controlled excitement. The Family had been attempting these tests once every 6 months for the past 10 years without much success. We had gone through several, “Fathers,” from the great Dr. Bertramberg to the lesser known and constantly drunk Dr. Yao, Each had failed to achieve what the original Family had planned. Billions were spent, but no door had yet been opened. “Tonight, we try 40 Tera Electron Volts,” Father announced.

Her announcement brought an immediate and total silence to the room. Family members looked from one to the other, some with feigned excitement, others with revered concerned, all with a general sense of disbelief. “The last four trials were between 10-20TeV, we’ve never tried anything that high! We don’t know if the machine can handle a test of that magnitude,” protested Dr. Akava, head of mathematical physics and chief of the department that should be certifying whether or not 40 TeV was even a healthy thing to do. “We have reviewed the possible outcomes, and even though we will have to pull twice the amount of energy out of the grid, the Swiss government have been advised and are cooperating,” Father quickly retorted. Her sweet, controlled tone actually did help the situation. I looked over and Celine had been frantically writing down some calculations on a piece of paper, after a few seconds she shot up from her seat “Father, even if we try to reach 40 TeV, the math doesn’t support that this is possible! We can’t just throw the collider to the highest setting and hope for the best!” “Are there any other objections that you would like noted before we begin the experiment?” Father asked, completely ignoring Celine’s desperate pleas. Father surveyed the room and could see that she wasn’t going to be met with other objections, after all what was the point, they were going to go unheeded. “Excellent, then we shall proceed, meet in the control room at 22:00 hours,” Father announced as the Family got up from the table and left the Living Room.

No one said a word, we left in complete silence, made our way into the lift, and exited the building into the cold Swiss night. If the machine couldn’t handle the electron voltage, it could become structurally unstable and break apart, but being buried underground prevented this from being a catastrophe. There wouldn’t be loss of life, but the LHC would be rendered useless and billions of dollars worth of funding would be destroyed. On the other hand, if the experiment was successful and the door opened, could we close something functioning on 40 TeV? Our math had supported 10 TeV, 20Tev, Fuck even 30 TeV, but no one had dared go above that. However this is where our role as scientist ended and our regrettable role of secret experimenter began. All we could do was say yes. At 22:00 hours, with the Family assembled in the control room, and the handful of select CERN employees who understood the true nature of the experiment milling around, we commenced our grand try. “Begin,” was the only order that Father issued. The Family members at the control entered the required programming to begin the collider, and so our fateful experiment began.

“Release the First particle sample,” came the command. A few seconds later the sound of gas entering the collider could be heard. The gas started it’s 20+ mile journey around the collider gaining more and more speed. “Release the second particle sample,” another sound of whooshing gas entering the tube and travelling into the opposite direction as the first. Both gaining speed, travelling faster and faster, approaching the speed of light. Like two runners, running around a circular track in opposite directions, not touching one another. “Father, we are approaching 30 TeV” one of the commanders warned. “Excellent, increase the energy to 35 TeV within the next 3 Minutes,” Father’s commands once again brought grave concern. If anything was going to happen it was going to happen now. “Increasing to 35 Tev” came the announcement over the intercom system.

We all continued to look at one another, the concern growing graver and graver.” “Achieving 38 TeV” another announcement. But nothing, no explosion, no catastrophic failure, nothing. In theory 40 was possible, but never advisable, however at 38, no specific structural damage signs were noted, nothing. “40 TeV achieved.” We looked at one another in astonishment. We had achieved what we thought was impossible: 40 TeV of energy was pushing the particles through the collider and we were sustaining it.” As the two particle clouds whizzed past each other, our first indication that something different was going to happen started to occur. There was a sudden spike in the temperature of the room. we could feel that it had gotten warmer, and the first reaction was one of panic. “SHUT THE MACHINE DOWN!” Came the first exclamation from a Family member. “The Machine is heating up, explosion could be imminent!” She continued. “WAIT!” Exclaimed father, her eyes glowing with the reflection of the computer screen in front of her, “Look at the core temperature read out, they haven’t changed, they’re perfectly normal!”

We each looked at the closest computer screen we could find, all of them showing that everything was going well, except for the fact that the thermostat in the room now read 35 degrees celsius, when we started out at a pleasant 20. Could this be it? “COMMENCE THE COLLISION SEQUENCE.” Father barked the order into the microphone near her control console. “Collision in 4…3…2…” The methodical voice announced over the intercom. “1″ – An ethereal blinding light consumed the room, I had never experienced anything like this before. The temperature dropped back down to 20 degrees, and the light was overpowering us. We couldn’t see our own hands in front of our faces. Suddenly there was a blood curdling scream, like someone being horribly beaten, followed by complete and total silence and then darkness. “Is everyone ok!” Celine was shouting from her side of the room. “I’m fine!” I called back, “Sound off!” “Mantill, code: Fam-0113″ “D’Accord, Code: Fam-0115″ “Chung, Code: Fam – 0114″ The Family members present started to scream out their names and code designation as our eyes adjusted to the total darkness that had encompassed the room.

With the sound of a bang the emergency red lighting bathed the room in a lambent glow. We could make out shadows, but no distinguishing features. By this time, approximately 2 minutes after our encounter with the white light, we still had not heard Father sound off.” “Where is Father!” Dr. Chung called out. We all turned to the seat that Father sat in, and could see a lump on the chair, but no sign of her. I entered the panel code to open the emergency exit and made my way through the escape corridor to the lighting box at the end of the hall. I turned the breaker and the normal lighting filled the control room again. Panic struck for Father’s well being I turned and ran back into the control room. All of my fellow scientists were in complete and total awe. Nothing in the room was out of place, and the temperature had returned to normal, however sitting in Father’s chair was a pile of her effects. Celine ran up to the chair Father once filled and looked down with a gasp. “She’s gone! All of her things are here, her jewellery, her clothes, her tamp…, everything!” Where Father sat now rested her physical possessions. She had vanished into thin air.

Royce Christyn

Royce Christyn

Journalist at News Punch
Documentarian, Writer, Producer, Director, Author.
Royce Christyn


    • lol. my question is, why the effects on the room? it is not like the collisions happen in the room, hahaha. It is weird how one of the reality alterations is that darth vader now says “no, i am your father.” aaand apparently this lady was called “father” and was totally bossy like, “no, father says FORTY KEV DAMMIT!!” Now she disappears to, “the daaaark siiiiide” totally ridiculous but how awesome if it is true? so awesome. sure demons suck balls but whatever don’t pretend this wouldn’t be more interesting than democratic elections and tired stories about russia.

    • Real purpose is collecting anti-matter for advanced nuclear weapons research. These are spun off the large LHC ring and decelerated in the smaller ring then cryogenically stored in magnetic flasks for further weapons research

    • Real purpose is collecting anti-matter for advanced nuclear weapons research. These are spun off the large LHC ring and decelerated in the smaller ring then cryogenically stored in magnetic flasks for further weapons research

  1. Father suddenly appeared naked in my bed ,,,, no wait ,,,I don’t think we are talking about the same person

  2. Father suddenly appeared naked in my bed ,,,, no wait ,,,I don’t think we are talking about the same person

  3. I would not immediately dismiss this out of hand. I know one thing for sure, that this machine was not meant to do what the scientists told us it would do. Never trust the ‘official’ line.

  4. I would not immediately dismiss this out of hand. I know one thing for sure, that this machine was not meant to do what the scientists told us it would do. Never trust the ‘official’ line.

  5. Reads like bad fan fiction. Half expected to read ,”Quickly! Turn up the CERN reactor power six – more- points!” , at any second.

  6. Reads like bad fan fiction. Half expected to read ,”Quickly! Turn up the CERN reactor power six – more- points!” , at any second.

  7. i’m glad that everyone here can recognise FICTION (and not a real account).
    i 100% agree. this story is written by a story writer. (nit by a scientist).
    its not technical enough.
    including names and a few technical words does not do the trick!
    seriously, it complete fiction.
    sounds like a book my mum would read.. Lol (next to jackie collins).

  8. i’m glad that everyone here can recognise FICTION (and not a real account).
    i 100% agree. this story is written by a story writer. (nit by a scientist).
    its not technical enough.
    including names and a few technical words does not do the trick!
    seriously, it complete fiction.
    sounds like a book my mum would read.. Lol (next to jackie collins).

  9. This allegedly happened in January 2014. It’s simple really. All ‘Father’ needs to do is to show herself and refute the claim. Has she or any other CERN official done this?

  10. This allegedly happened in January 2014. It’s simple really. All ‘Father’ needs to do is to show herself and refute the claim. Has she or any other CERN official done this?

  11. Total B/S. The LHC is however being used to collect antimatter particles called Anti-protons for experiments at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Los Alamos into super minaturised and super powerful anti-matter nuclear weapons (5th Generation nukes)

  12. Total B/S. The LHC is however being used to collect antimatter particles called Anti-protons for experiments at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Los Alamos into super minaturised and super powerful anti-matter nuclear weapons (5th Generation nukes)

  13. This is the kind of garbage that gives these websites a bad name. The CERN machine is real and they really have opened up some kind of portal but this story is just a distraction.

  14. This is the kind of garbage that gives these websites a bad name. The CERN machine is real and they really have opened up some kind of portal but this story is just a distraction.

    • This is the kind of garbage that gives these websites a bad name. The CERN machine is real and they really have opened up some kind of portal but this story is just a distraction.

    • This is the kind of garbage that gives these websites a bad name. The CERN machine is real and they really have opened up some kind of portal but this story is just a distraction.

  15. Not a bad science fiction short story. You got talent. To post this as fact you need documentation to back it up, so this is mere sifi.

  16. Not a bad science fiction short story. You got talent. To post this as fact you need documentation to back it up, so this is mere sifi.

  17. In the middle ages it was ghost stories, in the 20th century it was UFOs. Now this bullshit.

    Royce Christyn is the new Giorgio Tsoukalos.

  18. They are going to use this to explain the rapture away. When people vanish, God took them to heaven because they were right with Him through Jesus Christ.

  19. They did say when they first built it that it might have the capacity to open a Black hole under the mountain but this story is just that..a story.

  20. dude we live in a day and age where people believe lies more than the truth!!! some people believe the truth to be all lies and the lies to be all truth. so i think the more people tell us the truth the more we believe it is a lie. anybody know the best way to hide something? a show of hands perhaps….. it has been said, “the best way to hide something, is to hide it in plain sight” i might just be crazy however, on October 28, 1943 the Philadelphia Experiment was supposedly/ allegedly about Time Travel or Teleportation. Mr. Tesla (Nikola Tesla) was interested and experimented in such “wild” ideas as free energy, antigravity, invisibility and even time travel. In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tesla’s experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere. Tesla’s simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects. But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel. Even furthermore, With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a “doorway” that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.

    Tesla’s first brush with time travel came in March 1895. A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts,
    “I am afraid,” said Tesla, “that you won’t find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today. The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me.”
    Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference. He reported that he could see the immediate past, present and future, all at once. But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment. Unfortunately, the sailors involved were left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.
    These are events that were recorded, witnessed by many, experienced by few. This is history, it is science fiction, not fiction and it is very much real as I am sitting at my computer desk typing this to you. 

  21. At the blinding flash of light part, I wouldn’t have been surprised if “Father” yelled out, “Evangelion! Launch!”

    Great storytelling! Would read again. A+

  22. Is this where they got the idea for the Poltergeist.once we hit 60TeV I don’t want to know.but we all will know because the building a stonger LHC that will create more power .witch means more phenomenon. hopefully theydon’t do som etching we can’t recover from.

  23. False news and besides Scientists are wasting their time and money. Read the bible concerning the END of the world.

  24. China were shown plans for the construction of a colossal machine…
    People may stop reading at this point, for they see this post is bullshit.
    The ‘Great fireWall Of China’ prevents Chinese people from being the inventor (as they used to be in the past); just the copier, the thief.

  25. It will be used to cause a tear between the physical and spiritual dimensions which fulfils revelation 9 of bible, and allows Satan to come forth with his army’s, it has not yet occurred. A spiritual matter will be discovered in a time in this generation upon that time is when the tear forms. Sadly this was known to the Light but mankind has freewill and like others learn the hard way when open the gates of Hell. The world also had to be in a specific spiritual state for it to work, the gender is far greater than just CERN, it involved also programming the masses to be aligned with darkness.

    • because whe knew what eh others didn’t she was a devil worshipper and God put her in tere dimension, they will be rip[pingher to peices, she is in hell my dear

    • Exactly. And her clothes and stuff remained, but her skin, bones, etc all “disappeared.” So why didn’t her hair or fingernails stay? Or her makeup, or anything foreign to her body/self – like tooth fillings, etc.? Does not make sense.

  26. Lucifer the fallen one lost the battle against God. He knows another battle is coming at Armageddon. Unless he does something different, he knows it will result in a second and permanent loss. He enlist the minds of humans and feeds them millions of years of science to build a weapon that he hopes can destroy God. He will fail once again and this time be cast into utter darkness for 1000 years before being sent to the bottomless pits of Hell once and for all, never to torment ever again. And all God has to do is use the sword of his mouth, His Word. The same Word that spoke it all into existence in the beginning. Who can compare to our God. Nothing in heaven nor on earth or under the sea. Eternal Life is the only Life that really matters. I hope you find Jesus as He is the only way.

    • Yes, I agree with most of what you post, but I wonder what your point is. The story above reads like a movie script of some sort, and a poor one at that. [note that Royce Christyn is: A) a writer B) a producer, C) a director D) an author!]
      I hope you are wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.
      Jesus is the only way to the Father in heaven. The Way, the Truth, the Life. There is a day appointed where He will return to this Earth and judge all in righteousness. All will give an account for every thought and action done in this life. We are all guilty of rebelling against Him, we all deserve death, and we are all commanded to turn and believe the good news that Jesus the annotated of God died on a Roman cross some 2000 years ago, and arose from the grave and ever lives to make intercession for those that He came to save. Time is short. Read the Bible with a heart to know what God is saying! Give up all your own ambitions, take up the cross, and follow Jesus.
      “He that would save his life, will loose it. He that would loose his life will gain it.”

  27. For a scientific article, there sure are a plethora of spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors. Hmmm. How about proofreading before you publish. I couldn’t even get through the first few paragraphs before these errors just killed any interest I may have had when I began. 🙁

  28. This so-called report is totally without verified facts. What is the “evil” this story is supposed to disclose? Have there been any reports from any source, of an incident at CERN in which a physicist suddenly vanished? Has anybody been able to find anything about either Sandra O”Reilly or Dr. Seline D’Accord? As far as I’m concerned this whole story is nothing but sensationalist garbage.

  29. Messing with portals to teh demonic relm is what they are doing, JackParsins a rocket scientist with NASA and teh apprentice to teh most evil satanist that ever lived Aliste Crowly opened a portal but unlike Crowly he could not close it and that’s where these strange UFO sightings came from and these prats at CERN are doing the same damn thing, THEY’RE SATANISTS PPL! TURN TO JESUS CHRIST AND BE SAVED!!! HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE POWER TO DEFEAT THIS FOUL EVIL AND HE WILL BUT ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE ACCEPTED HIM AS THEIR LORD AND SAVOIR WILL BE SAVED.

  30. More fake news. Meant to be “for fun,” obviously. Oh, the people who will believe ANYTHING, so long as it’s from the “other side.” Everyone lies.

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