China ‘Ready To Invade’ N. Korea On 9/11

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China prepared to invade North Korea on September 11

China has warned North Korea that is prepared to invade on September 11th if it finds evidence that Kim Jong-un has developed a miniaturized nuclear warhead. 

According to a Defense Intelligence Agency official, Washington and Beijing have a longstanding agreement that Beijing will take military action against North Korea in the event that the North Korean nuclear threat turns out to be real. reports: The source, who spoke to TruNews Correspondent Edward Szall through a proxy on Sunday night, and must remain unnamed due to his official capacity as a veteran member of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), said both the U.S. and China are actively investigating the claims made by North Korea on Sunday, that they have successfully tested a miniaturized nuclear device and possess the technology to effectively mount it on a ballistic missile.

The source noted that if the Chinese are convinced the warhead North Korean state media showed Kim Jong-un inspecting Sunday at the “Nuclear Weapons Institute” is indeed a miniaturized homemade hydrogen bomb, they will launch an invasion of North Korea and annex it within the next week.

“If China rolls their army into North Korea, and annexes the country in the next week, we know he [Kim Jong-un] had miniaturized nukes,” the DIA source said.

Pressed about the timing of China’s prospective attack, the DIA official said ominously: “You’ll know in the next week.”

The DIA is an external intelligence service of the U.S. government which answers directly to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and is responsible for approximately twenty five percent of all intelligence content that goes into President Trump’s Daily Brief.

On Monday South Korea’s defense chief Song Young-moo told lawmakers that the military suspects North Korea may have secured technology to produce miniaturized nuclear warheads that weigh less than 500 kilograms.

During a UN Security Council emergency meeting Monday in New York, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said Kim Jong Un was “begging for war” as she urged the unelected body to adopt the “strongest sanctions measures” possible to stop Pyongyang’s nuclear program.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang responded Monday that China had made “stern representations” with North Korean diplomats following Sunday’s sixth and largest nuclear test at Pyongyang’s Punggye-ri site. He also said that all parties should “refrain from further escalating tensions”.

Neither China nor the U.S. have independently confirmed North Korea’s Hydrogen bomb claims, but a Chinese seismic research team led by Wen Lianxing of the University of Science and Technology of China announced Monday that they had measured Sunday’s nuclear test at 108.3±48.1 kilotons, making Pyongyang’s device up to eight times more powerful than the nuclear bomb the U.S. dropped on Nagasaki, Japan in 1945.

The DIA source noted that America’s only leverage against China in this situation is the “complete and utter destruction” of North Korea, which the Chinese do not want.

The source explained that China wants North Korea’s territory in one piece to preserve the nations untapped mineral resources, which they plan to extract, utilize and profit from.

“They do not want the U.S. to nuke North Korea, and want to be given the option to intervene before the situation reaches that flash point.”

In September 2016, South Korea’s state-run Korea Development Institute said that the mineral trade between North Korea and China remains a “cash cow” for Kim Jong-un despite UN sanctions, and that it accounted for 54% of Pyongyang’s total trade volume to China in the first half of that year.

In 2015 alone China imported $1 billion in coal from North Korea, as well as $73 million in iron ore, and $680,000 worth of zinc.

This also explains why China opposes a full international trade embargo of North Korea, a move the Editor-in-Chief of the state-influenced Global Times said would make Beijing the primary target for North Korean retaliation, and allow the U.S. and South Korean alliance to shift responsibility of the nuclear issue to China.

North Korea’s rare earth mineral reserves, which include large quantities of iron, gold, magnesite, zinc, copper, limestone, molybdenum and graphite, all necessary for the production of smartphones and other high tech products, are estimated to be valued between $6 trillion and $10 trillion.


The DIA source said Sunday that the Chinese and the U.S. both believe an invasion of North Korea by China from their border in the North would force civilians, North Korean military and government officials southward to the DMZ, and even into South Korea itself, where they would be rounded up and detained by prepositioned U.S. and South Korean military units.

Regarding the North Korean military, which is estimated to have almost a million soldiers, the source said they are in horrific shape, and that as an offensive force, North Korea is currently “ineffective”.

The source said the soldiers are not well rested, fed, or adequately trained, and would likely be unable to carry out a successfully invasion of South Korea, if ordered to do so.

“Drunk U.S. soldiers would beat the North Koreans in a fight right now,” the source said. “In 2008-2010, the view was that a North Korean invasion would succeed because there may be more North Koreans than available bullets, meaning they would win by sheer numbers. Now, they are so weak, there are literally instances of cannibalism within their ranks. You could bribe their military into defection with loafs of bread.”

Former U.S. National Security Council staffer Victor Cha, who has been named as the Trump administrations pick for ambassador to South Korea, wrote in his recent book “The Impossible State” that though outnumbered by approximately 300,000 troops, allied forces on the Korean Peninsula have better training, equipment, and air support than their North Korean counterparts.

On Thursday, Seoul-based news website Daily NK reported receiving information from sources within North Korea that soldiers are so malnourished they have been given permission by military leaders to steal corn to ensure they are “combat ready” for “imminent war”.

Sources in Ryanggang Province told Daily NK soldiers are currently surviving on such “meagre rations” they have resorted to selling stolen unripened corn at markets for food, and other sources living in North Hamgyong Province said military officers are encouraging young soldiers “tired of relentless hunger” to desert the army to steal food.

“The military officers are instructing their soldiers, exhausted after training, to eat corn in the fields because war is imminent,” Daily NK reported. “They are even threatening their soldiers, saying, ‘If you become malnourished despite permission to eat the corn, you will face difficulties’.”

According to a July 20th report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), prolonged dry weather in the central and southern cereal-producing provinces in North Korea has led to the nations worst drought since 2001.

In late-July, Rah Jong Yil, a former head of South Korean intelligence, told Deutsche Welle, the famine which has accompanied this drought has forced the North Korean government to cut daily food rations for its entire population, including the military.


The DIA source said both the U.S. and China have been privately actively negotiating how to best divide up the Korean Peninsula between the two superpowers, much like how Germany was divided up following the defeat of the Third Reich.

At the Potsdam Conference held between July 17th and August 2nd,1945, after Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 8th, 1945, the Allies divided Germany into four military occupation zones, with France in the southwest quadrant, Britain in the northwest, the U.S. in the south, and the Soviet Union in the east, bounded eastwards by the Oder-Neisse line.

In Syria, a similar arrangement was negotiated by Russia and the U.S., establishing four “safe zones” across the north, central, and southern parts of country to be tentatively ruled by forces loyal to Iran, Turkey, Washington and Moscow.


Regarding the question of why no Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system has been used thus far to shoot down any North Korea’s missiles, the DIA official said it is out of fear that they will fail to effectively accomplish their mission.

A failure of the THAAD system would be devastating for the U.S., and the equipments U.S.-based manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, as well as NATO itself, who uses the system as a way to convince other countries to buy U.S. weaponry and remain in their anti-Russia defense alliance.

On Monday for example, escalated provocations with North Korea finally convinced South Korea to agree to install four additional THAAD systems which they had originally suspended due to diplomatic pressure from China. This has also been accompanied by a “conceptual approval” by President Trump for South Korea to purchase “many billions of dollars’ worth of military weapons and equipment” from the United States.

In this regard, the THAAD system has served as an effective geopolitical power piece for the U.S., much like the possession and placement of nuclear weapons during and after the Cold War.

To date, the THAAD system has never been successfully tested in combat against a live incoming enemy projectile, let alone one armed with a nuclear or biological device.

A THAAD system failure would also benefit the Russians, who offer their S-300/S-400/S-500 air defense system as an alternative to prospective nations in the market for effective missile deterrence. The Russians already have an advantage based on the reports in April that S-300 & S-400 batteries based in Syria successfully brought down up to half of the incoming 60 Tomahawk missiles launched by the Trump administration against a Syrian airfield.

Additionally, Russia has a motivation to convince nations to adopt their opposing system because once a nation accepts it, the diplomatic door is opened for further non-NATO weapon purchases and an expansion of military cooperation, NATO member Turkey being a recent example.

On Monday WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange weighed in on this theory, comparing the nuclear standoff to the Cuban missile crisis, and saying, that if these motivations are correct, “expect China to act.”

“South Korea is China’s Cuba. By provoking conflict with the North, U.S. is creating cover to place THAAD etc. on China’s border,” Assange said on twitter. “Is the ultimate goal to get U.S. nukes into South Korea? If so, expect China to act. It has plenty of economic and military levers.”


The DIA source said the North Koreans, in their own eyes, are in a “dead-race to becoming a nuclear capable nation,” and believe “possession of nukes would cause the U.S. to leave them alone for good, much like with how Pakistan and India achieved relative autonomy from international pressure through their acquisition of nuclear weapons.”

The DIA source noted that Kim Jong-Un has been told he’s God by his innermost circle of advisors, and they have also lied to him about the countries shortcomings, specifically military readiness, out of fear that telling him the truth would prompt an order for their execution.

“He’s either crazy or has been left in the dark,” the DIA source said. “He’s killed his family, and generals, there isn’t a motivation to tell him the truth.”

In February the North Korean leader’s half brother, Kim Jong Nam, was assassinated by two women at Kuala Lumpur International Airport using a VX nerve agent. South Korean lawmaker Kim Byung-kee said the killing was directly ordered by Kim Jong-Un.


Regarding how foreign intelligence agencies best attain updated information on the inner workings of Kim Jong-Un and North Korea’s central government, the DIA source noted that former Chicago Bull’s basketball star Dennis Rodman has become a great source.

“Dennis Rodman’s public comments about his visits to North Korea have become a direct source for intelligence agencies on Kim Jong-Un’s stability and the state of his kingdom,” the DIA source said. “He’s the CIA’s best asset, and has been a spy and didn’t know it.”

The source referred to the current standoff between the U.S., China and North Korea as a game of “hide and watch.”

“The 24-million dollar question right now is if China will do something before North Korea hits Guam,” the source said. “The Chinese know if they let that happen the U.S. will retaliate on North Korea, destroying the prize goose, which indicates that China will act before a preemptive strike can be carried out against Guam or any other U.S. territory.”

Strategically, China would prefer a scenario where South Korea and other Asian nations are less aligned with U.S. interests, due to the importation of military assets which generally accompany that relationship.

With the annexation of North Korea, the threat which predominately motivates America’s strategic alliances in the region would disappear overnight, leaving Beijing to dominate the Asia-Pacific sphere through economic expansion, rather than Washington’s historically militaristic alternative.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 18013 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (