Doctors Baffled as Autism among American Children Surges by 50%

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Doctors baffled as childhood autism surges by over 50%

The number of children in the United States being diagnosed with autism has skyrocketed in the last two years, a new study has reported.

Scientists say they are baffled after researchers at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, in China, found that 3.49 percent of U.S. children and adolescents – or around one-in-every-30 – had autism in 2020.

That’s a shocking 52 percent rise from the 2.29 percent of youths in America that had the condition in 2017. reports: While the research team did not give an exact reason for the jump, many experts have speculated the increase is related to parents better understanding early signs their child has autism and more surveillance for the condition.

Researchers, who published their findings Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics, gathered data from the annual National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

The survey, which is conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducts household interviews and targeted screenings to find more about the health of the average household.

In 2014, the NHIS found that 2.24 percent of children and adolescents in America had autism. 

Sean Adl-Tabatabai
About Sean Adl-Tabatabai 17912 Articles
Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (