Ed Milibands Are Offered Free Flights Out Of The UK

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Ed Miliband

As the Conservatives sweep to power in the United Kingdom elections, a travel firm has offered free flights to anyone named ‘Ed Miliband’.

David Cameron, 48, will lead the Conservatives for another term in parliament.
As the Prime Minister heads back to number 10 Downing Street, his main opponent, Ed Miliband, declared his resignation of the leadership of the Labour party. He joins the ranks of the UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg who also resigned their respective party leadership posts.

Travel firm geniustravel.com is stepping in to offer the retired labour leader a free flight to a holiday destination of his choice. It comes after the exhausting defeat by all the opponents of the Conservatives, including their coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats and the promising United Kingdom Independence Party.
The free flights offer is for any person who might be named ‘Ed Miliband’.

Doncaster Free Press reports:

Search engine geniustravel.com is offering a free flight out of the UK today to anyone with the name Ed Miliband who feel like they could desperately do with a holiday.

It comes after the Doncaster North MP stepped down as party leader after his crushing defeat at the ballot box.

Any Brits going by the name Edward Miliband, who would like to take advantage of the offer of a free flight to a destination of their choice, should post a picture of the photo page of their passport to www.facebook.com/GeniusTravelCom.Ed Miliband

Terms and conditions: Free flights will be offered to the first five UK-based Edward Milibands who provide passport proof. Flights will be capped at £150 including all taxes and extras. For further information please contact [email protected].

Edmondo Burr
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