Elizabeth Warren: Black Trans & Non-Binary People Are ‘Backbone of Democracy’

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Elizabeth Warren declares black transgender and non-binary people as the backbone of American democracy

2020 Democratic frontrunner Sen. Elizabeth Warren has declared that extreme fringe minorities, such as black transgenders and non-binary people represent the “backbone of our democracy.”

“Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy,” Sen. Warren said in a statement on Thursday.

Warren issued the statement after her campaign won the endorsement of the far-left activist group “Black Womxn For.”

The group praised Warren for having “a deep understanding of how racism and gender discrimination don’t just compound income inequality but are actually central to maintaining the status quo.”

Breitbart.com reports: The activist group prefaced its endorsement with a frightening picture of the 2016 presidential election, proclaiming that it “laid bare what many Black women, gender non-conforming, and non-binary, and queer folk know deeply; that this nation embraces white supremacy and its evils, even at the expense of itself.”

While the activists acknowledge that a single candidate cannot solve all of their grievances, they endorse Warren “with the full weight of accountability.”

“Our endorsement is not a blanket approval of all of her acts, both past, present, and future but rather a firm and calculated understanding that should she fall short of her commitments to us and our communities she will be held to account,” the group stated, listing off the promises Warren made to the Black Womxn For community.

Those commitments include holding a “People’s Policy-Making Summit” that “puts Black women, working people of color, disabled people, Indigenous people, and diverse community leaders and experts in the driver’s seat of structural reforms in her administration.”

The activist group also expects Warren to take action by “rooting out the culture of white supremacy” and  “appointing more Black women, especially trans and immigrant women, Black men, Indigenous people, people of color and disabled people.”

Warren emphatically accepted the terms and their endorsement.

“Thank you, @BlackWomxnFor! Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy and I don’t take this endorsement lightly,” she wrote. 

“I’m committed to fighting alongside you for the big, structural change our country needs,” she added:


  1. Siting back in my armchair, could somebody tel me if I have confused the photo of Warren caricature with the Swede Thunberg Caricature?

  2. This moron wants to give the illegals everything they want…yet have you ever heard this duffus or any of the others running for president ever mention helping veterans? Not one word on veterans, just illegals, illegals, illegals……….

    • Not only that, they took health care away from old people and give it to illegals. I have a 20 y.o.neighbor who is a fine young man with a full-time job. He doesn’t have health insurance, but ALL the illegals who are 19 to 26 y.o. just got FREE health insurance, given to them by our idiot governor, Gavin Newsom. I live in Calf and am too old to leave, lived here all my 65 yrs. And yes, the way they treat veterans is horrendous!

    • She’s probably got a truck-load of tax-payer funds, benefits and free-bees to hand out to any “black transgenders and non-binary” veterans…

  3. It would appear all that is important for America to succeed is more illegal aliens and the per vert groups that Warren and others believe are the backbone of “American” democracy.
    I say more power to them, then maybe the “citizens” can sit back and enjoy the fruits of “their” labor, right? Oh wait, that’s not right…… they’re on welfare and committing all sorts of acts against “the people”.
    Now how does this work exactly…. the math just doesn’t work out. Seems to me the costs far outweigh the benefit.

  4. No, robot idiots voting for whatever they’re programmed to vote for is the backbone of democracy. Repuke or demoncrat. Libertard or hipster.

    Otherwise, the elite wouldn’t have been able to shift the west so far to right that everyone who believes in what we used to have is deemed a “extremist liberal” and everyone who believes in building on what we used to have is a “socialist”.

    That’s why democracy sucks. Just infiltrate any halfway decent system and two generations later, no one knows what hit them. And for you conservatives – the Republic model also sucks, because there is no longer any power for honest and awake people to gather (or be taken seriously). So that is an even easier way to infiltrate. Most people, if their vote mattered, would actually bring us out of fascism solely because they’re tired of working more than their parents and grandparents for half the pay, zero benefits, everything costs a fortune, etc.

    Truth be told, if we had the time and ability, an organized oligarchy would be the only way. Elite rule works! Right now we have a plutocracy, and it works! The rich are better off than ever, everyone unduly respects/admires them, and the serfs have no ability, time, or energy to fight or change anything. You put good people in power and treat everyone right, you’d have a real utopia.

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